"…as well as those of whom the Muslims have agreed
upon their guidance, knowledge, respect and reverence. And what each of them
contradicted (of the Sunnah) from these (Fiqh) issues did not cause any
of these scholars to be defamed or to be represented as a defect on their part.
The books of the Muslim scholars from past and present, such as the books of
Ash-Shaafi'ee, Ishaaq, Abu 'Ubaid, Abu Thawr and those scholars that came after
them, are filled with the exposition of these writings and claims that these
writings do not have too much benefit in them. And if we were to mention that in
words, this discussion would be severely prolonged.
As for if the objective of the one refuting is to expose the
faults of the one he is refuting and to debase him and to manifest his ignorance
and shortness of knowledge, then this is forbidden, regardless if his refutation
of that is done in the face of the one being refuted or in his absence. And it
is the same whether the refutation is done during that individual's lifetime or
after his death. This type of action falls under the acts which Allaah
repudiates in His Book and which He threatens the one committing it, concerning
his slander and backbiting. Similarly, it falls into the statement of the
Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam): 'O you group of people that believe with your tongues and not
with your hearts! Do not abuse the Muslims no seek after their faults. For
indeed, he who seeks after their faults, Allaah will seek after his faults. And
whomsoever has Allaah seek after his faults, He will expose them, even if he may
have committed them in the privacy of his own home.'
All of this is in respect to the scholars that are followed in
the Religion. As for the people of innovation and misguidance and those who
imitate the scholars but are not from them, then it is permissible to expose
their ignorance and to manifest their deficiencies, in order to warn others
against following them. However, our discussion now is not concerning this topic
and Allaah knows best." [29]
Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab (ra) also said:
"Ibn Abee Ad-Duniyaa said: Abu Saalih Al-Marwazee informed
us that I heard Raafi' Ibn Ashras said: 'It used to be said: From the
punishment of the liar is that his credibility is not accepted.' And I
say that from the punishment of the evil sinning innovator is that his good qualities
are not mentioned." [30]
Al-Kankawhee (ra) said:
"Verily, it is not befitting for the scholars to accept anything
from the innovator. Nor is it befitting that they leave the people to ask
them or to gather with them. So if the state of affairs is that way, no one will
speak about him, his remembrance will die out and his call will not prevail.
Thus, it is well known that it is permissible, rather, obligatory upon the
scholars to expose his defects to the people and forbid them from taking and accepting
anything from them." [31]
Today, the enemies of the Sunnah and Tawheed are capitalizing
on pamphlets and cassettes of some individuals that attribute themselves to the
Sunnah and Tawheed. These pamphlets and tapes are based on abusing and defaming
the scholars and true callers to the Sunnah and Tawheed. Rather, what is worse
in terms of danger and affliction is that these pamphlets and tapes are
influencing many of the youth of this Tawheed and Sunnah! Thus, they direct
their literary attacks and wrongful accusations at the scholars of Tawheed and
the Sunnah and those who carry their banner and protect their sanctity. And what
is worse than that in misfortune and grief, is that they attach themselves and
stick with the people of innovations and misguidance in their campaign of
launching poisonous missiles at them – those which the enemies of the
Sunnah and Tawheed have been preparing as the ultimate attack to finish off the
last remnants of the Sunnah and Tawheed. Indeed, to Allaah do we belong and
indeed it is to Him that we will return!
So look carefully my brother and consider! What was the stance
that Imaam Ahmad and those behind him from the Ahl-us-Sunnah took against
the book Al-Mudalliseen of Al-Karaabeesee. And perhaps this book
is thousands of times better and thousands of times less dangerous than the
books of the people of innovations and misguidance, which the youth of Islaam
defend today!! Indeed, to Allaah do we belong and indeed it is to Him that we
will return, many times over!
As-Subkee (ra) said after stating Al-Maaziree’s
disparaging comments of Al-Ghazaalee: