[26] Editor’s note: The reader is encouraged to not
turn away from this criticism based on what he has read from these writers
(Al-Mawdoodee and Al-Qaradawee) for indeed only a few of their books have been
translated into the English language. Thus the author (Shaikh Rabee’ Ibn
Haadee) is basing his criticism on the works they have available, which has not
been translated from the Arabic language. And these are the more destructive and
dangerous books, which show their corruption in the manhaj and call to political
and social reformation.
[27] I mean by this, the books of the students of
Al-Kawtharee and others among the innovators that conceal themselves under the
da’awah (propagation) of the Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen.
[28] Sharh 'Ilal-ut-Tirmidhee
[29] Al-Farq Baina An-Naseeha wat-Ta'yeer
(pg. 30-33)
[30] Sharh 'Ilal-ut-Tirmidhee
[31] Al-Kawkab-ud-Durree
[32] Tabaqaat-ush-Shaafi’iyyah of
As-Subkee (6/243). And As-Subkee defends Al-Ghazaalee with the blind
defending of the fanatics, which resorts to the distortion of facts and the
falsification of the truth.
[33] Surah Aali ‘Imraan: 26
[34] Talbees Iblees: pg. 162
[35] At-Tawassul wal-Waseelah: pg.
[36] Surah Aali ‘Imraan: 118
[37] Tafseer Al-Qurtubee
[38] Surat-uz-Zumar: 3
[39] It seems that Shaikh-ul-Islaam is intending, by
this, the Rafaa’ee sect. Today, they and their likes from the other
deviant Sufi divisions, have embarked on the Islaamic reformation movement of
the Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen!
[40] Dar’ Ta’aarud-un-Naql
wal-‘Aql (6/171-173)