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Concerning Fasting
  The Rulings of Ramadaan
Author: Islamic Society of the University of Essex
Article ID : IBD090003  [51318]  
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Breaking the fast before the Maghrib Salaat
It is reported that "The Messenger of Allah (T) used to break his fast before the Maghrib Salaat." [Ahmad and Abu Dawood]

Abu Dardaa said: "There are three signs of prophethood, hastening the breaking of the fast, delaying the Sahoor and placing the right hand on the Ieft hand in the Salaat." [Tabaraanee]

What is recommended to eat to break the fast?
The Messenger (S) of Allah (T) used to incite the breaking of the fast with dates and if he did not find any, he would then break it with water.

Anas Ibn Maalik said: "The prophet (S) used to break his fast with fresh dates before he prayed. If he did not find fresh dates then he would use dried dates. If he did not find that also he drank a few sips of water. [Ahmad and Abu Dawood]

What should be said at the time of breaking the fast?
The fasting person should know that Allah (T) listens to his supplication and answers it.

Abu Huraira said the Messenger (S) of Allah (T) said: "The supplications of three groups of people's are not rejected; the du'aa (Supplication) of the fasting person when he is breaking his fast, the du'aa of the just Imam and the du'aa of the oppressed." [Tirmidhee, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibbaan]

So the fasting person should make use of the time when he is breaking his fast to ask Allah (T) for all those things that would make his life easy in this world and the next. However, although any Du'aa can be made at that time the Messenger (S) also used to make a specific one which we should make sure we supplicate with, along with whatever other supplication we desire.

The Messenger of Allah (S) when he broke his fast. used to say: "The thirst has gone and the veins have recovered and the blessing is established if Allah wills" (dhahaba dhamaa'a wabtallat al-urooq wa thabatal ajr inshaa'allaah) [Ahmad, Al-Baihaaqee]

Feeding a fasting person
It is imperative for the believer to always try to do righteous deeds. From among these rightous deeds is the feeding of the fasting person because of the numerous rewards for this act.

The Prophet (S) said: "Whoever gives someone something to break the fast with, he would hove The same blessings as the fasting person and this would not reduce the blessings of the fasting person in any way " [Ahmad and Tirmidhee]

If someone is invited to break his fast then he should respond to the invitation. If he refuses then he has disobeyed the Messenger (S).

It is also recommended for the person invited to supplicate for his host after finishing eating his food as was the practice of the Messenger (S).

The Messenger (S) used to make the following supplications:

"May the righteous eat your food may the angels send salaat unto you and may the fasting person break their fast with you." [Ahmad, An-Nasaaee]

"O Allah! Feed the one who fed me and give drink to him who gave me to drink" [Muslim]

"O Allah! Forgive them and have Mercy on them and bless whatever you provide for then" [Muslim]


There is no doubt for any servant who understands the Quraan and Sunnah that Allah (T) only wants ease for His servants. So He (T) made certain things allowed for those who fast.

The fast is valid for any person who wakes up in a state of sexual defilement
Aa'isha and Umm Salamah relate: "That the Fajr used to come upon the Messenger (S) while he was in a state of sexual defilement from intercourse (from the previous night). He would then take a bath and (continue) fasting. [Bukharee]

Cleaning the mouth with the miswaak
The Messenger (S) said: "If I did not fear that I would make it hard on my Ummah, I would have commanded them to use the miswaak (to brush their teeth) for every wudoo." [Muslim]

In this hadeeth the Messenger (S) did not differentiate between the fasting person and those who are not fasting, therefore the ruling is general and applies to the fasting person as well. It is also putting no limits upon the time when this can be done, either before or after Zawal (zenith).

Note: It is preferable not to use toothpaste because of its strong taste.

Washing the mouth and nose
The Messenger (S) used to wash his mouth and nose while he was fasting, however he forbade exaggeration in either of these two actions for the fasting person. He (S) said: "...and exaggerate in washing the nose except if you are fasting..." [Abu Daawood and Tirmidhee]

Kissing and foreplay with one's wife (for the one who can control is desire)
Aa'ishah (R) said: "The Messenger (S) used to kiss (his wife) while he was fasting, and he used to involve in foreplay while fasting, but he was the most able of you to hold back his desires. [Bukharee and Muslim]

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