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The Classical Works
  Aqeedatul Waasitiyyah - Note Form
Author: Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Source: Explanation of Muhammad Khaleel Haras
Article ID : AQD040004  [43608]  
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9. The Tafseer of Ibn 'Abbaas for the verse {Allah! The Eternally Besought of all}; The Chief who is best in His Nobility. The Great one who is best in His greatness. The Tolerant One who is best in His toleration. The Omnipotent who is the best in His omnipotence, the All Knowing who is best in His knowledge. The Self which is perfect in all types of nobility and greatness - that Self is only Allah - the Most Revered and the Most Powerful. He alone has these qualities for they do not apply to anyon e save Him.

No one is equal to Him and no one is like Him. 10. The Tafseer is also as follows; The Self who has no fear, around whom all creatures turn and Whom they seek after for all their needs and actions.

11. Affirmation in the Oneness negates all forms of polytheism and similit ude. Affirmation of all the meanings of Samad includes all the noble Names and the most exalted Attributes. This is the Tawheed of Affirmation.

12. The Tawheed of Purity is in the statement {He does not beget not nor is He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him}. This statement can also be understood from the general statement {Say! He is Allah! the One}. Nothing came out of Him nor did He come out of anything. He has no equal, no likeness and no similarity.

13. Domination of of the concept of Tawheed in this Surah. The afffirmatio n of Oneness for the Lord in total and absolute contradiction to all forms of P olytheism. His character of being {Eternally Besought of all} which proves all His Attrib utes, that He cannot suffer from any defect, negation of father and son which is an impl ication of Him being in no need and that all is in need of Him. All is characterised in the statement of His being besought and His Oneness. Negation of an equal whic h includes negation of similarity, resemblances and likeness. This Surah includes all of these matters and is therefore rightly deserving of being called equal to a thir d of the Qur'aan

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