15. Negation does not stand alone in the Qur'aan and the Hadeeth. Mere negation does not denote any attribute. Rather there is the affirmation of the perfection of t he greatness of Allah and the uniqueness in His Attributes in opposition to both th e negations. The negation in ignorance stands for his broad and unlimited Knowledg e, the negation of injustice is for the affirmation for the perfection of His Justice, the negation of uselessness is for the affirmation of His eternal life and stability.
16. Thus, that is the reason why negation has often come in the Qur'aan and Hade eth in a general sense rather than in a specific sense; in contrast with affirmation in which there are greater specificities than generalities because these are intended for His Self.
17. The generality in affirmation means that absolute perfection, absolute prais e, absolute magnificence etc., are proved as Allah says {All Praise is for Allah th e Lord of the Worlds} and He says {And His is the Sublime similitude.}
18. The specificity in affirmation includes all nouns and adjectives mentioned i n the Qur'aan and Hadeeth; it is oft*n that they cannot all be counted. The Prophet (s allal1ahu- a1aihi-wasallam) used to say: I ask You for every Name by which You have named Yourself or which You have revealed or which You have taught someone from amongst Your creatures or which You have kept with Yourself in the Knowledge of the Unseen.
Part 7: The Straight Path and Commentary on Surah
The Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah do not deviate
from those things which have been brought by the Messengers, for that is the
straight path, the path of thos e whom Allah has bestowed His favour upon from
among the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs and the Righteous. It is in this
collection of what has been descr ibed about Allah by Himself in Surah Ikhlaas
that makes it equal to one third of the Qur'aan. Allah has said {Say! He is
Allah, the One! The Eternally Besought of all! He does not beget, nor is He
begotten. And there is nothing comparable to Him.}
1. Whatever the Messenger
(sallallahu-alaihi-wasallam) brought with him, t hat alone is real. It is
obligatory to obey it and forbidden to deviate from it as this alone is the
Straight Path which has no
2. The Straight Path is only one and whoever deviates from it he strays in to the wrong path, innovation and injustice. Allah commands {And this is My Straight Pa th, so follow it and do not follow the other paths lest they divert you from His way.}
3. The Straight Path is that path of the Ummah which lies in between the t wo extremes. Hence, the supplication in every rakah of the prayer {Guide us to the Stra ight Path} that He should help, assist, guide, support and lead us in those things wh ich will help us to obey Him and keep us steadfast on His Path. This is the Path of those w ho were favoured by Allah: the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs and the Righteo us, and these are the best for keeping company.
4. The Concept of Tawheed has been explained in Surah Ikhlaas by separatin g and purging it from Shirk (polytheism and idolatry).
5. Immam Ahmed's narration of 'Ubayy bin Ka'ab that the mushrikoon asked " Oh Muhammed! Tell us the geneology of Your Lordl" Thereupon Allah revealed th is Surah.
6. From authentic ahadeeth, it is proven that this Surah is equal to one t hird of the of the Qur'aan. The substance of the statement of Ibn 'Abbaas is as follows: that the Qur'aan consists of three fundamental objectives,
- a) Those do's and don'ts which contain the commandments and practical ways . These form the subject matter of the science of Fiqh and Ethics.
b) The tales and narratives which include the stories of the Messengers of Allah and their communities. The punishments and disasters which befell those wh o falsified the Messengers of Allah. Also, the promises, rewards, warni ngs and dooms.
c) The
knowledge of Tawheed and the description of those matters which rel ate to
the Names of Allah and His Attributes, which to to have faith in in is
obligatory upon the Slave of Allah. This has precedence over the firs t
7. Surah Ikhlaas contains the third objective and a general description of it. Thus, it is correct to say that this Surah is equal to one third of the Qur'aan.
8. The answer to the question that how does this Surah contain comprehensi vely the knowledge of Tawheed and its principles which form the essence of the beli ef in Allah: Allah's command {He is Allah, the One} negates partnership with Him in eve ry sense, whether it concerns His Self, Attributes or His deeds. It also demonstrate s the distinctiveness of Allah in His perfection, magnificence and majesty. The word Ahad is not used in affirmation for anyone besides Allah. Ahad is more emphatic th an Waahid