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The Classical Works
  Aqeedatul Waasitiyyah - Note Form
Author: Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Source: Explanation of Muhammad Khaleel Haras
Article ID : AQD040004  [44442]  
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9. Salaat: Dictionary meaning is prayer. The statement of Abu Aaliya as reported by Buhkaaree in his Saheeh that the Salaat of the Prophet (sallallahu-alaihi-wasallam) iS that Allah praises him before the angels. The Salaat of the Angels is that they pray for interdiction and implore.

10. Aale-Rasool: The relations of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu-alaihi-wasallam) who are interdicted from accepting Zakah. The people of Banu Hasheem and Banu Muttalib. Aal can also mean the followers of the Prophet (sallallahu-alaihi-wasallam) . 11. Ashaab: All those people who saw the Prophet (sallallahu-alaihi-wasallam) in the state of having become believers in the Faith and died in the state of believing in the Faith. 12. Salaam: means asking security from the evil things. One of the names of Allah. He is free from all kinds of defects and dMwbacks, is safe and secure; or He will grant security to His Faithful Slaves in the Hereafter.

Part 3: The Articles of Belief

To proceed: This (treatise will announce) the Belief of the Saved Sect which is aided till the establishment of the Hour, the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, and that is belief in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, Resurrection after Death and belief in the Divine Decree, both the good and bad of it.

1. 'Aqeedah: accepting anything with the heart and conscience and obeying Allah in doing it . The word conveys resoluteness and filmness of intention as well as maturity of thought.

2. Firqa: a group of people. Its qualification is in the ahadeeth: One group from my Ummah will always hold fast to the truth ... also: This Ummah will split into 73 Firqas and except for oneJ*rqa all the others are in the flre. That group will be the one which follows my way and the way of my companions.

3. Sunnah: In the phrase "Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah" it means the way and practice followed by the Prophet (sallallahu-alaihi-wasallam) and the Companions. Innovation and Heretical Creeds were not in existence during this period.

4. Jamaa'ah: means those people that assemble. Here it means the Companions and the Taabi'een who all accepted the Truth proved from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and united together using this as their basis.

5. Compulsory to have faith in the six things ( Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, Resurrection after Death and Divine Decree, both the good and the evil). Perfection is not acquired unless they are believed in in accordance with the Qur'aan and Sunnah. If one denies only one of these articles of Faith or refuses to believe in them in accordance with the Qur'aan and Sunnah then he is a Kaafir. All have been mentioned in the hadeeth of Jibreel.

6. Malaa'ika: is the plural of malak, derived from al-ulooka which is Messengership. They are the creatures of Allah and inhabit the Heavens. Have been assigned to the affairs of His creation. They do not disobey Him and do as they are commanded. Continue narrating the Holiness of Allah untiringly, day and night.

7. Kutub: Those scriptures which have been sent down by Allah, from the heavens upon His Messengers. Those about which we have knowledge are the Books of Ibraheem, the Torah of Moosa, the Injeel of 'Eesa, the Zaboor of Dawud and the Qur'aan. The Qur'aan is the last scripture and is the protector and the testimony to all that is true and correct and the criterion of truth and falsehood. In addition to these books it is necessary to have a general faith in all the scriptures of the other Messengers of Allah.

8. Rusul: plural of Rasool, the word Rasool means that person who has received revelations from Allah. It is necessary to have specific faith in the 25 Rasools mentioned in the Qur'aan. In addition to these Rasools and Nabis it is necessary to have a general faith in all the other nabis also, without wrangling about in their names and number (Surah Nisaa 4:164). It is necessarily of Faith that these Messengers did reach the Message to mankind as Allah had commanded them and that they explained it in a way in which no one remains ln doubt. All of them were free from flaws in character such as falsehood, prevarication of knowledge and ignorance, insincerity and the likes of them. The most superior of the Messengers are Muhammed, Ibraheem, Moosa, Nuh and 'Eesa (Surah Ahzaab 37 and Surah Shoorah 42:13).

9. Ba'ath: means to raise and give motion. Allah will raise and give motion to the dead from their graves so that they can be judged. Ba'ath must be believed in the same sense as it has been mentioned; that Allah will collect all the organs which have turned to dust or dissolved and revive them again, bringing them back to life. The Philosophers and the Christians who deny the bodily Ba'ath are Kaafirs and those who aver Ba'ath and hold that Allah will inspire each soul into a body different to the body of this world are heretical innovators and corrupt.

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