Ibn ul-Qayyim says: "So al-Ash'aree and others do
not understand from the plural: a'yun (eyes) many eyes, nor from the plural
'aidee' (hands) many hands..."[17]
Ibn Hajr also mentions[18] that al-Bayhaqee mentions a
witness to the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah - [i.e. the hadeeth reported by Aboo
Daawood that the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) recited Soorah an-Nisaa,
aayah 58 and read up to: 'Sameean Baseeraa', and placed his thumb on his ear and
the one next to it upon his eye][19] - from the hadeeth of Uqbah bin Aamir: I
heard Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) say upon the minbar:
"Our Lord certainly hears and sees" and he pointed to his two
eyes" Ibn Hajr says: Its isnaad is hasan. [20]
That Allaah the Most High has Two Eyes - in the manner
that befits Him and without any resemblance to the creation - is also stated by
ad-Daarimee in his reply upon Bishr al-Maarisee and by Ibn Khuzaimah in his
Kitaabut-Tawheed and by al-Laalikaa'ee in Sharh Usool il-I'tiqaad.
So the Salafees follow and accept the aqeedah of the
Salaf and there is no contradiction or ta'weel here.
Thirdly, concerning the Jahmee's lie against
Allaah - the Most High - and His saying:
And we constructed the Heaven with power (bi aidin)...
[Dhaariyaat 51:47]
The tafseer of Tabaree and the reports that the Jahmee
quotes from the Salaf explain 'aidin' to mean 'power' which is what it indeed
does mean and it can be found in any dictionary under alif yaa daa. Nor is there
any contradiction between it and between aayaat affirming Allaahs Hands (aidee
and yadaan)
Do they not see that We have created for them of what
Our Hands (aideena) have created... [Soorah Yaa Seen 36:71]
Nay, both His Hands (yadaahu) are outstretched [Soorah
Maa'idah 5:64]
So from the foolishness of the Ash'ariyyah - to which
this Jahmee ascribes himself - is that they also declare that Allaah's Hand
(yad) has to be explained to mean his Power!! So then what about His Two Hands?!
Two powers?![21]
Furthermore, this is rebutted by the aayah where it is
mentioned that Allaah created Adam with His Two Hands. Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree
stated in his Maqaalaat: "...And that He has Two Hands without asking how,
just as He has said:
(Allaah said): O Iblees! What prevents you from
prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with My Two Hands?" [Soorah
Sa'd 38:75]
And also, the hadeeth of intercession where Aadam is
being addressed as the one whom Allaah created with His Hand[22]. And likewise
the hadeeth wherein it is mentioned that: "On the Day of Resurrection,
Allaah will grasp the (whole planet of) Earth by His Hand all the heavens in His
Right, and then He will say: I am the King".[23]
But from the deception and corruption of this vile and
lowly Jahmee is that in his lecture, he translated the aayah in question as:
"And the sky, We have built with Hands, verily We outspread it."
Translating 'aidin' as 'Hands' instead of 'power' (which
is what it actually means in this verse) enabling himself thereby, to justify
his falsehood that the Salaf have done ta'weel of this aayah because they
explain it to mean 'with power' and by claiming that at-Tabaree has ascribed
this figurative explanation (ta'weel) to Ibn Abbaas, Qataadah, Mansoor ibn
Zadaana and Sufyaan ath-Thawree - free and innocent are they from the Jahmee's
filth and the Jahmee and his filth from them, as Yoosuf (alaihi-salaam) was from
the wife of al-Azeez. The Jahmee is obviously ignorant or feigning ignorance of
the fact that 'aidin' in the language has the meaning of 'power'[24] and that
this is the natural explanation given, which is devoid of any ta'weel, and which
at-Tabaree has quoted from the Salaf.[25]
Fourthly, with regard to the Jahmee's claim
about the tafseer of the aayah :
The Day that the shin shall be laid bare and they shall
be summoned to bow in adoration but they shall not be able [Soorah Qalam
Then the aayah mentions the saaq (shin) which is one of
the Attributes of Allaah - the Most High - This is clearly seen from the hadeeth
of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree[26] in which there occurs: "...Then the Almighty
will come to them in a form other than that which they saw the first time, and
He will say "I am your Lord" and they will say:"You are not our
Lord". And none will speak to Him but the Prophets, and it will be said to
them: "Do you know of any sign by which you can recognise Him?" They
will say: "The shin (saaq)", so then Allaah will uncover His shin and
every believer will prostrate to Him..."