35 Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allaah have mercy upon him -
said: "As for the one who says that it is His Command that comes or that it
is His Mercy and Command that descends then if he means that when He - the Most
Perfect - descends and comes, His Mercy and Command [also] descend then this is
correct and true. And if he intends that the Descent, the Coming and the
Arriving for [His] Mercy and [His] Command is something other than [what has
just been explained] then that is futile, from many aspects which have been
mentioned previously - and to them shall we add some others. Amongst them: It is
said: Do you mean by His Mercy and His Command, an attribute which is
essentially a part of the Self (Dhaat) or is it something created and separate
[from Him] which you have termed Mercy? If you mean the first then the
descending of Mercy necessitates the descending and coming of His Self (Dhaat)
absolutely, and if you mean the second then that which descends for the
judgement of affairs, is [but] something created and brought about, it is not
the Lord of the Worlds. The futility of this is known absolutely and it is clear
falsehood. It would be correct [and more appropriate for them] to say along with
that, that it is not He Who descends to the lowest heaven and Who comes for
settling the Judgment, rather it is something other than Him that comes."
Refer to al-Kawaashif al-Jaliyyah an Ma'aani al-Waasitiyyah (p.236)
36 In 'Dar ut-Ta'aarudh al-Aql wan-Naql' (1/121)
37 Sharh Aqeedatil-Waasitiyyah (1/94) of Ibn
38 Sharh Aqeedatil-Waasitiyyah (1/100) of Ibn Uthaimeen.
39 Imaam Maalik (d. 179H) said: "Al-Istiwaa is
known, and how is unknown, to have eemaan in it is obligatory and to question it
is an innovation." Reported by al-Bayhaqee in al-Asmaa was-Sifaat (p.516)
with the wording: "Al-Istiwaa is not unknown and how is unknown, to have
eemaan in it is obligatory and to question it is an innovation."
Ad-Daarimee also reported it in ar-Radd alal-Jahmiyyah (p.55).
40 Tuhfatul Ikhwaan fee Sifaatir-Rahmaan (p.36-38)
41 Al-Eemaan, Haqeeqatuhu wa Arkaanuhu (p.16) of
Muhammad Na'eem Yaa Seen.
42 Nu'aym bin Hammaad (d. 228H), the teacher of
al-Bukhaaree said: "Indeed, all that Allaah has described Himself with, or
what His Messenger has described Him with, then there is no tashbeeh in it at
all." Reported by Imaam adh-Dhahabee in al-Uluww (no.217).
So compare this with the claims and lies of this vile
Jahmite and see where those favoured with knowledge and piety stand and where
the worthless ignoramuses stand, and don't make one like the other!!
43 See Mukhtasir as-Sawaa'iq al-Mursalah (p.37)
44 And this is because he understood the Attributes with
which Allaah has described Himself to be similar to those of the creation, so
the anthropomorphism (tashbeeh) initiated in him and in his understanding and as
such he is a disbeliever in the saying of Allaah:
There is nothing like Him and He is All-Hearing,
All-Seeing [Soorah Shooraa 42:11]
And from this, the falsehood of the People of Innovation
- when they say about those upon the way of the Salaf - that they commit
tashbeeh but only seek to protect themselves by the saying: "But we do not
know how" - is known. For the Ahl us-Sunnah are the furthest from
committing tashbeeh.
45 Aqeedatul-Muslim of Abu Bakr al-Jazaa'iree
46 Ilaaqatul-Ithbaat wa Tafweedh bi Sifaat
Rabbi-Aalameen (p.19) of Ridaa bin Na'saan.
47 Ilaaqatul-Ithbaat wa Tafweedh bi Sifaat
Rabbi-Aalameen (p.19) of Ridaa bin Na'saan.
48 Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d. 449H) said: And I heard
al-Haakim Abu Abdullaah saying: I heard Abu Nasr Ahmad bin Sahl al-Faqeeh of
Bukhaaree saying: I heard Abu Nasr bin Salaam al-Faqeeh saying: "There is
nothing more severe [burdensome] upon the Ahl ul-Ilhaad (the People of
Deviation) and nothing that is more detestable to them than listening to hadeeth
and its being mentioned with its isnaad (the chain of narrators)."
Aqeedatus-Salaf wa-Ashaabil Hadeeth of Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee and and also
al-Khateeb in Sharf Ashaabil-Hadeeth (p.73-74)
49 May Allaah have mercy upon you! Of the Ahl ul-Bid'ah
beware for these are their outstanding and distinguishing features, by which
they mislead and misguide the unsuspecting...leading them astray and directing
them to the Blazing Fire:
i) selectively quoting from the Salaf
ii) not being concerned about its reliability or
iii) not looking at the firmly established positions of
those scholars from whom they narrate,
iv) in other than what they have chosen to narrate from
such scholars.
And that this has been the path of this Jahmee is clear