Nuh Ha Mim Keller |
A Reply to a Jahmee : Keller Unveiled |
Source: Prepared by Abu 'Iyad as-Salafi & Dawud Burbank |
Article ID : AQD060009 [112477] |
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[10] And likewise this ta'weel contradicts with the fact
of Islaam being a practical religion that is compatible and in harmony with
every age and era. And it also contradicts the fact that Allaah - the Most High
- has described the Qur'aan as being a discourse (bayaan), an explanation
(tibyaan) for every single thing, and something made easy for remembrance - and
in whose ayaat - reflection and contemplation has been requested. And for this
reason Abul-Qaasim bin Mandah said in his book 'ar-Radd alal-Jahmiyyah': ''To
the Ashaabul-Hadeeth - ta'weel is a form or rejection (takdheeb)"[47]
A General Note
After this it is necessary to also bear in mind some of
the replies of the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah to the Ash'ariyyah - to whom the
aforementioned Jahmee ascribes himself:
Such as the fact that they affirm some of Allaah's
Attributes and yet interpret others with ta'weel. Then the question arises: Why
this contradiction? If ta'weel is correct why do they not do ta'weel with regard
to all of Allaah's attributes? Or if it is correct to affirm Allaah's attributes
without ta'weel then why do they not affirm all of Allaah's attributes without
What sound principle and proof do they use to
distinguish between the Attributes which they accept without ta'weel and those
which they explain away with ta'weel???
If they say that they do ta'weel of those attributes
which they claim are attributes of the creation and therefore are not befitting
the Creator - such as Allaah's Face, Hand, Arising over the Throne (al-Istiwaa)
- then the reply is that the creation also have other attributes such as
existence, knowledge power, will etc. which they share with the Creator. Then
why do you manage to accept these as Attributes of Allaah without ta'weel?
Then if they reply that we say that Allaah's existence
is an existence not resembling that of the creation, but befitting His Majesty
and likewise with regard to His Knowledge, Will and Power etc. - then the reply
to them is: Then why are you not consistent and what prevents you from saying
the same with the rest of Allaah's Attributes e.g. that Allaah has a Hand
befitting His Majesty, not similar to the hands of creation - and so on with
regard to all of the Attributes - which is indeed the way of the Salaf. What is
the proof for this distinction from the Book and the Sunnah and the Salaf whom
they claim to be following??
In conclusion it can be said: That the way of this
Jahmee and the Ahl ul-Bid'ah in general - due to their being the most ignorant
of people of the Narrations from Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi
wasallam) and detesters of the narrations from the Companions[48], the Taabi'een
and those after them amongst the Salaf - take from what has been narrated from
them, only selectively - not being concerned with its reliability or
authenticity - and not looking at the firmly established position of the one
about whom they narrate in other than what they have chosen to narrate from
him[49] - in order to suit their desires, promote their falsehood, deceive and
misguide the common-folk and utter an enormous lie against Allaah and His
Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) - and Allaah's refuge is sought from
them, from their innovations, from their evil and from their misguidance and as
a consequence, from the Fire - since every newly invented matter is an
innovation and every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in the