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Nuh Ha Mim Keller
  A Reply to a Jahmee : Keller Unveiled
Source: Prepared by Abu 'Iyad as-Salafi & Dawud Burbank
Article ID : AQD060009  [112485]  
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And with regard to the aforementioned Jahmee's claim about the saying of Ibn Abbaas - may Allaah be pleased with him - about the aayah: "It is the Day of Resurrection, a day of grief and calamity" reported with various chains from him by at-Tabaree in his tafseer, the Ash'ariyyah say that this is a case of ta'weel. This is however not the case since as is pointed out by Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah and mentioned by Shaikhs Muhammad Jameel Zainoo and Bakr ibn Abdullaah Aboo Zayd - the Salaf have two different sayings about this aayah:

a) Those who say that it is not an aayah relating to Allaah's attributes, but is rather a description of the Day of Judgement and its being a day of grief and calamity - as is reported from Ibn Abbaas.

This is based on the fact that the aayah does not clearly state the 'saaq' as being Allaah's saaq (shin) and that in the Arabic language this phrase can be used to express the severity of a situation as in the saying: 'Shaalat al-harbu an saaqin', meaning - the war has raised up its terrors and harshness.

So since the aayah did not unequivocally declare this as being an Attribute of Allaah - some of the Salaf did not understand it to be an aayah describing one of His Attributes, which is why we find Ibn Abbaas [if the narrations are authentic from him][27] explaining it according to the language.

Therefore this is not case of someone taking an established Attribute of Allaah, such as, for example His yad (hand) and interpreting it with ta'weel to mean something different eg. His Power which is what the Ash'ariyyah do and seek support with this saying of Ibn Abbaas - may Allaah be pleased with him. So there is no proof for them in this.


b) The correct saying as pointed out by Ibn Taymiyyah and others from the Salaf, including Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree who say that this aayah is an aayah relating to Allaah's Attributes. The proof for this is the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree - may Allaah be pleased with him - where the 'saaq' is also mentioned, except that here it is clearly shown to be an Attribute of Allaah - (fayakshifu an saaqihi) - "so Allaah will uncover His Shin". So it is possible that this hadeeth did not reach Ibn Abbaas - just as the ruling that the grandmothers inherit did not reach Abu Bakr - may Allaah be pleased with him - and so on, and if it had reached him then he would have explained the aayah according to it.[28]

Fifthly, concerning the hadeeth of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallaam):

"Allaah the Most High Laughs about two men, one of whom kills the other, but both will enter Paradise. The one who fights in the way of Allaah and is killed and afterwards Allaah forgives the killer, then he fights in the path of Allaah and is martyred." [29]

Concerning this, the Jahmee ignoramus alleged, (further confirming his ignorance about the authenticity of the narrations): "The hadeeth master al-Bayhaqee records that the scribe of Bukhaaree, Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Farabree, related that Imaam Bukhaaree said quote, 'The meaning of Laughter is Mercy'".

However, al-Bayhaqee mentions this statement[30] without quoting the chain of narration for it, something that this Jahmee failed to mention, knowing that it would render his falsehood futile. Therefore, it cannot be depended upon as indicated in the words of Abdullaah bin al-Mubaarak who said, "The isnaad is from the deen, were it not for the isnaad, whosoever willed could say whatever he wished."[31]

Sixthly, with respect to the Jahmee's filthy lie concerning the saying of Allaah:

And your Lord comes accompanied by the Angels, ranks upon ranks [Soorah Fajr 89:22]

Then the Salaf have affirmed and held faith in the attribute of Allaah's Coming on the Day of Judgement in opposition to this Jahmee who seeks to deny it and explain it away. Ibn Katheer states in his tafseer[32] of this aayah: "The Lord - Blessed and Exalted is He - comes as He wills, and the Angels come in front of Him, ranks upon ranks."

Furthermore, Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree in his tafseer reports the following narrations from the Salaf in explanation of the aayah:

Ad-Dahak said: "...the angels ascend in ranks of separate lines, then the Exalted King descends with Jahannam next to Him, on His left."

Qataadah said: "... and Allaah comes on that Day with Jahannam." He also said: "Paradise and Hellfire are next to Him when descends from His Throne to His Kursee to reckon with His creation," and then he recited:

...and on the Day when Jahannam will be brought" [Soorah Fajr 89:23]

Al-Haafidh Ibn Asaakir in his Tabyeen Kadhibul-Muftaree reports that Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree said: "We do not say about Allaah, that of which we have no knowledge and we say that Allaah, the Exalted, comes on the Day of Judgement as He said:

And your Lord comes accompanied by the Angels, ranks upon ranks" [Soorah Fajr 89:22] [33]

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