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Nuh Ha Mim Keller
  A Reply to a Jahmee : Keller Unveiled
Source: Prepared by Abu 'Iyad as-Salafi & Dawud Burbank
Article ID : AQD060009  [112480]  
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Alee bin al-Madeenee - the teacher of Imaam Bukhaaree - said: "When someone says so and so is an anthropomorphist (mushabbih) we come to know he is a Jahmee".[11]

Therefore, the path of this neo-Jahmite whose condition we shall discuss, is but a legacy of the Jahmiyyah of old. But this will be hidden to the unsuspecting common person, who lacks knowledge and realisation, thereby thinking that this neo-Jahmite is rightly guided and that he guides others. But in reality the path of this Jahmee leads directly to the home of torment and punishment because the Jahmee is in fact standing by the gates of Hellfire, inviting the common-folk to it that they maybe its inhabitants. And whoever considers what is to follow in uncovering the treachery and deception of this ignoramus and makes comparison between the words and statements of this Jahmee with those of the Imaams of the Salaf of the earliest times will see clearly that this Jahmee is but a caller to mere innovation, folly, foolishness and misguidance.

And an explanation of some of the proofs that the aforementioned Jahmee used for his false claims and conclusions is as follows:

Firstly: The Jahmee's Allegation about the saying of Allaah the Most High:

Those who take their deen as play and amusement and whom the life of this world has deceived, then this day shall We forget them as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs [A'raaf 7:51]

That it means that Allaah forgets, i.e. suffers from forgetfulness - High is Allaah above what the Innovators attribute to Him - and that this is a saying of the Salafees, or something necessitated by their methodology in understanding the texts of the Book and the Sunnah[12] - then this a lie against them and against Allaah, rather this is an explanation invented by the Jahmee and the Salaf and their followers are free from it.

If the Jahmee tries to claim: But the Salafees say that they only accept the manifest, apparent meaning of aayaat and reject (mis)-interpretation (ta'weel), then the reply is that if the Jahmee was not so ignorant or did not pretend to be so ignorant of the Arabic language then he would know that the manifest meaning of the aayah is not the evil saying that he insinuates would be necessitated by the methodology of the Salaf. Rather the word nansaahum (We shall forget them...) comes from the root nasiya, yansaa which can mean either to deliberately leave/abandon, or to forget and fail to remember. The meaning in this aayah is very clear and manifest and it is not ta'weel (figurative interpolation) to say that the aayah means that Allaah abandons them - rather this is the manifest (dhaahir) meaning of the aayah, in full agreement with the Arabic language - as anyone with knowledge of it will know.[13]

This is naturally the tafseer given by the aayah by at-Tabaree: "We will abandon them in the punishment which cuts them off, leaving them hungry and thirsty without any food or drink, just as they abandoned action for the meeting on this Day, and they rejected preparation for it by wearying their bodies in obedience to Allaah, and we have explained clearly the meaning of His saying 'nansaahum' previously along with its witnesses, so there is no need to repeat it."

Amongst the narrations which he then quotes from the Salaf with this meaning is:

Muhammad ibn Abdul A'laa narrated to us saying: Muhammad ibn Thawr narrated to us: from Ma'mar: from Ibn Abee Najeeh: from Mujaahid: that he said: "We will abandon them just as they abandoned this meeting of theirs" and Muhammad bin Amr narrated to me saying: Aboo Aasim narrated to us saying: Eesaa narrated to us: from Ibn Abee Najeeh: from Mujaahid: who said: "We will leave/abandon them in the Fire" The same meaning is made clear in al-Baghawee and Ibn Katheer in their tafseers

However, the aforementioned Jahmee seeks to claim that at-Tabaree's explanation of the meaning of 'nansaahum' as being 'We shall forget them, so as to say, We shall abandon them to their punishment' is an instance of ta'weel.[14] And this is clear deception, since - as has been explained above - the meaning giving by at-Tabaree is actually from the Arabic language and is not a matter of figurative interpolation which the Jahmee has wickedly and unashamedly ascribed to at-Tabaree - innocent is at-Tabaree from this Jahmee as the innocence of Aa'ishah - may Allaah be pleased with her - from the slander perpetrated against her.[15]

Secondly, the point that Ibn ul-Qayyim - may Allaah have mercy upon him - explains in Ijtimaa ul-Juyoosh and in Mukhtasaarus-Sawaa'iq (1/34-37) that Allaah has two Eyes.

Then he explains that this is the position of the Salaf. He quotes Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree who states:

"And He has two eyes without any mention of how, just as He said:

Floating under Our Eyes [Soorah Qamar 54:14]"[16]

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