Targheeb and Tarheeb |
Al-Wasiyyat us-Sughraa (The Concise Legacy) |
Author: Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah |
Article ID : TZK050004 [38904] |
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As for a description of books and compilations, the questioner will have
heard from me what Allah has made easy on other occasions. I will say this much
now, that out of all the compiled books which have been divided into chapters,
there is none more beneficial than the Saheeh of Muhammad bin Ismaa`eel
al-Bukhaari,; however, this alone is not enough to cover the major principles of
the knowledge, nor can it fulfil all the objectiaves of one who seeks to dive
into the ocean of knowledge, because it is imperative that other Ahadeeth, and
the words of the people of Fiqh and the people of knowledge of those matters in
which certain people are specialised, be known, for the Ummah has progressed in
all fields of learning. He whose heart Allah enlightens, He guides him through
whatever of all that reaches him; but he whose heart Allah blinds, more and more
books only increase him in confusion and misguidance, as the Prophet
said to Ibn Labeed al-Ansaari, "Do the Jews and Christians not have the
Tauraat and the Injeel? So what benefit did these bring them?"
We ask Allah Almighty that He sustains us with guidance
and firmness, and puts into our hearts those things by which we will receive
guidance and keep us protected from the mischief of our sins, and that after
giving us guidance, he may save us from deviation, and grant us Mercy from Him,
for He is the Generous. All Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and His
blessings be on the most noble of the messengers.