"Shall I not inform you of the best of your actions, the most pure in
the sight of your Master, the one which raises your ranks highest, that which is
better for you than giving gold and silver (in charity), and better for you than
your meeting your enemies, so that you strike their necks and they strike
yours?" The companions urged, "Of course, O Messenger of Allah!
(Inform us!)" He replied, "It is the Remembrance of
The virtues of the Remembrance of Allah are confirmed by proofs of insight,
narration and analysis from the Qur'aan and Eemaan.
Types of Dhikr
The basic method of Dhikr is that the slave makes a habit of putting into
practice those adhkaar (phrases of dhikr) which have been taken from the teacher
of goodness, the leader of the righteous, Muhammad (sallAllahu `alayhi wa
sallam), such as:
- those adhkaar which have a fixed timing, e.g. at the beginning and end of
the day, when going to sleep and waking up, and after the compulsory Prayers;
- those adhkaar which are specified for certain actions, e.g. eating and
drinking, putting on clothes, sexual intercourse, entering and exiting the
Masjid and the toliet, or at the time of rain and thunder, etc.. As regards both
these types of Dhikr, books have been written under the title of "Actions
of the day and night."
There are also those adhkaar which are unrestricted, i.e. they are not
confined to some special time or occasion; of these, the most excellent is
Laa ilaaha illa-llaah (There is no true deity except Allah), but
sometimes according to the situation, some phrases such as Subhaan Allah
(Allah is Glorified), Al-hamdu li-llaah (All Praised be to Allah),
Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) and Laa Hawla wa laa Quwwata
illaa bi-llaah (There is no power or movement except by Allah) become more
Further, it should be known that everything that brings mankind closer to
Allah, whether it is the saying of the tongue or contemplation of the heart, for
example in acquiring knowledge, commanding good and forbidding evil, this is all
part of the Dhikr of Allah. Hence, one who is occupied in seeking beneficial
Knowledge after fulfilling the obligatory acts, or takes his place in a
gathering where Fiqh (Understanding) - that which Allah and His Messenger
have named Fiqh - is read and taught, this also an excellent Dhikr of Allah.
When you consider this, you will thus realise that there is no major controversy
among the early people of knowledge regarding the most excellent of actions
after the obligatory duties.
Istikhaarah (asking Allah to decide on one's behalf)
In those matters where the slave is in doubt, he should seek Allah's guidance
in deciding, for he who seeks help in decision from Allah will never be ashamed.
He should do this often and also supplicate often, for that is the key to every
benefit, and not be impatient saying, "I have asked but not been
answered," and he should seek to find the best time to supplicate, for
example the last part of the night, at the time of Adhaan, after the obligatory
Prayers, at the time of rain, and others.
The Best Goal is Trust in Allah
As for the next part of the question, about the highest prize to aim for, the
answer to this is that the best prize to have is Trust in Allah, reliance in Him
of His sufficience, and keeping a good opinion of Him, the latter being that if
anyone is anxious regarding their subsistence then he should turn to the shelter
of Allah, as the Exalted said, from what is narrated by His Prophet,
"O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed,
so seek food of Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked
except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe
you." In this regard there is also the hadeeth which Imaam Tirmidhi
narrates from Anas RadiAllahu 'anhu, who said that the Messenger of Allah said,
"Each of you should ask for his needs from Allah, even if the lace of
your shoe breaks, because if Allah does not facilitate it, it will never be
Allah Ta'aala says in His Book: ... But ask Allah for His bounty ...
He, Glorified, also says: And when the prayer is finished, then you may
disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah.... Although this
aayah is in the context of the congregational Friday Prayer, its meaning applies
to all the prayers. This is why - and Allah knows best - the Prophet
instructed the person entering the masjid to say, "Allahumma -ftah lee
abwaaba rahmatik (O Allah open the doors of Your mercy for me)", and
when leaving the masjid to say, "Allahumma innee as'aluka min fadlik (O
Allah give me of Your Bounty)" ; also, the Friend of Allah (Ibraaheem)
`alaihis-salaam had said, So seek sustenance from Allah, serve Him, and be
grateful to him.