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Yusuf al-Qaradawi
  Readings in Qaradawism : Part 2 : Arts and Entertainment
Source: ar-Radd alal-Qaradawi
Article ID : NDV160002  [40728]  
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(113) Quoted from "Ownul Mabood Sharhu Sunan Abi Dawood", vol.13, pp.273-274.

(114) Stated by Abut Teeb Taahir At-Tabari and quoted in Al-Qurtubis Al-Jaamili Ahkaamil Quraan, vol.14, p.55.

(115) He was born at Madeenah in the year 93 of the Hijrah and died there in 179H.For details of his life and times, see Qaadi Ayyads Tarteebul Madaarik, vol.1, pp.107-147.

(116) In the time of Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) , the world economy was almost completely based upon the institution of slavery. Wisdom and foresight demanded a gradual elimination of this deeply rooted social system. The Islamic method was to limit the ways in which slaves could be taken to only one-jihaad(lawful warfare), while at the same time imposing conditions under which a slave must be freed and encouraging the freeing of believing slaves as an act of worship which brings one closer to Allah. Mistreatment of slaves was strictly prohibited and they were always entitled to respect as human beings. These guidelines protecting slaves are still applicable today.

(117) The previous sayings related to Maalik were quoted from Ibnul-Jowzis Talbees, p.29.

(118) Al-Jaamili Ahkaamil Quraan, vol.14, p.55

(119) Ibid, vol.14, p.54.

(120) He was born 150 H In Gazzah in Palestine. He died and was buried in Cairo, 204 H. Details of his life and works are chronicled in Al-Bayhaqis Manaaqibush Shaafiee.

(121) See Al-Qurtubis tafseer, vol.14, p.55 and Ibnul-Jowzis Talbees Iblees, p.231.Also refer to footnote no.111.

(122) See Ownul Mabood, vol.13, p.274.

(123) Designates the carcass of the animal which has not been slaughetered in a manner acceptable to the shariah, but has died in a manner rendering it unlawful for food, such as dying from a disease, accident, naturally or by being hit by a blow, etc. However, the skin of such an animal may be used after proper curing.

(124) Kaffur Raaa.p.61.

(125) Talbees iblees, pp.230-231.A sample of such scholars along with a refutation of their position will follow in the next section of this work.

(126) He was born in Baghdad, 164 H and died there in 241 H.See the excellent biography of his life

(127) In Arabic these are called qasaaiduz zuhd.

(128) "Singing" here means without musical accompaniment.

(129) Indicates a change in the state of mind or disposition of a person who appears "overcome" by the mention (dhikr) of God in supplication (duaa) performed in a humble, humiliating stance. Those who partake in this experience of being "overcome" are moved to extreme delight or grief by the manner in which such poetry is delivered.It is usually delivered in an affected, throbbing style which moves them to dance and gyrate to the beat and melody of such rythmic poems. Because of this "change' (taghyeer) which overcomes them, they were called al-mughayyarah. Refer to Talbees Iblees, p.330.

(130) Talbees Iblees, p.228.

(131) All of these scholars, including Ahmad, didn’t not mind a certain type of chanting, singing and recitation of poetry or stories, etc without musical accompaniment or other prohibited aspects.

(132) Refer to footnote no.116.

(133) The loss incurred by selling the slave girl not as singer but as an ordinary worker.

(134) This statement was made during the 6th century of the Islamic era. Therefore, what could be said of what we hear and see of music and singing today!

(135) Talbees Iblees, pp.228-229.

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