Abdur-Razzaq ash-Shayijee |
Refuting Shayijee : Shayjiee, the Salafis and Looking into the Affairs of the Ummah |
Author: Faalih Bin Talee'ah |
Source: Translated by Abu Iyaad as-Salafi |
Article ID : NDV100006 [29061] |
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Or is it that ash-Shaayijee wants from Shaikh Rabee’ that he should
call all of the youth and the students of knowledge to pursue and study Politics
and to immerse themselves in it so that their manners are corrupted and they
begin to adopt the ways and means of the people of immorality from amongst the
secularists and democratics - those who deny the realities and who aid their own
opinions with lies, falsehood and beautification - without any fear from Allaah
or shame of the people?!
Does this pauper want from the Shaikh and the Salafees to hold electrifying
conferences - those in which the way of the groups and parties are compromised
with the rules and conventions of politics - and to gather the people together
(upon nothing) and then to shove them in the prisons and detention camps?
Does ash-Shaayijee want from the Shaikh that he takes the adolescent youth
from the mosques, the circles of knowledge and the libraries to the streets then
to the truncheons and then … ?!
And we do not say except as our Lord says:
Verily it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts
that are in the chests that are blind
1. Because ash-Shaayijee considers this a general principle (of the Salafis)
- then it must be so that all the individuals amongst this group speak with it -
and especially their (ring)leader and the carrier of their flag. For this
reason, I only quoted some of the words of Shaikh Rabee’ instead of those
of others.
2. Perhaps the thing that has angered ash-Shaayijee is Shaikh Rabee’s
setting a condition for studying the current affairs : "The distinguished
Ulamaa and the senior students of knowledge, those who have deep-rooted
knowledge of ‘aqeedah - but not the children of the Muslims (i.e. the
youth) and the students amongst them. And this is so that they are not affected
by the ways and means of the democratics, the secularists and others besides
them. And there is no doubt that these conditions do not include ash-Shaayijee
who has no firm grounding in ‘aqeedah and so has become affected with the
call to democracy and the call to unifying the nation and things such as
diplomacy and other such things of which you will soon find in these pages.
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