Ash-Shaayijee says - ascribing it to the Salafees: "It
is not permissible for a Muslim to look at the state of the
Ummah and he should
not know anything about it. Nor should he reflect upon the
tragedies and
afflictions that befall it - and this is because knowing that
can only occur by
reading the newspapers and magazines and listening to the
foreign radio
transmissions. And all of this is following other than the path
of the Believers
and falling into the shoelace of the Disbelievers" (p. 4)
Because ash-Shaayijee has made Shaikh Rabee’ the single
reference point
for the Salafees and the carrier of their flag, let us look at
some of the words
of the Shaikh as a refutation of this lying fabricator.[1]
Shaikh Rabee’ says:
"And I will add here what I have taken from the knowledge
of the
Salaf and their jihaad in the field of knowledge and calling
to Allaah - and
what the conditions and circumstances of the Muslims
requires - as well as
for the benefit and correction of their religion - so
amongst that is:
First: Acquaintance with what the Secularists, Communists,
the Jews and the
Christians are planning - and (of) their organisations and
strategies in
opposition to the Muslims.
So it is not permissible for the Ulamaa to remain
heedless of their
plans, their actions, their publications, their missionary
activities and
their various calls (to the Muslims). And also the various
poisons they are
infusing - which are in opposition to the Qur’aan and the
(sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and his Sunnah. And nor of what plans they have for
(the destruction
of) the beliefs and methodologies of Islaam. It is not
permissible either,
to remain heedless of their concentrated efforts to
Christianize or
secularize the Muslim youth.
And along with that, the Muslim youth and the students
are not able to
oppose this plan and strategy. Rather it is necessary that
the distinguished
Ulamaa - those who are experienced and shrewd - it is for
such people, in
all the places to undertake this duty. So it is obligatory
for some of the
intelligent and ingenious people from the field of ‘Aqeedah
to be
mobilised for opposing these plans. And likewise it is a
must that the
intelligent and distinguished from amongst the specialists
in the Sunnah -
that they be mobilised for the refutation of these – and
similarly the
eminent and distinguished from amongst those in the fields
of Orientalism
for the refutation of the plans of the Orientalists." (Ahl
He also says:
"I myself believe that it is a benefit - rather it is of
necessity -
that we know what the enemies are planning for us, and that
it is necessary
for us to prepare (ourselves in strength) to destroy their
plans. However, I
do not exaggerate in this matter, rather my view is the view
of our
Ulamaa’ and they have all agreed upon this - that amongst the
obligatory matters there are some that are Fard ‘Ain and
others that
are Fard Kifaayah - and even if knowing the state of the
enemies is harmful
- it is still necessary for us to know it - but it is
treated as Fard
Kifaayah. When some attend to it, then the harm is removed
from the
rest…" up until he said: "…So I consider that there
is no criticism for the Ulamaa and the students of knowledge
who take great
concern for preserving the Sharee’ah of Allaah - in terms of
the Book,
the Sunnah and its understanding - for this is one of the
duties of the
Kifaayah actions. And I believe that these people are more
superior, noble,
truthful and of more benefit to Islaam than those who are
weak in their
knowledge of the religion of Allaah or those who have no
share in
acquainting themselves with it." (p.81)
So these are some selections from the words of Shaikh Rabee’
on this
topic and he also has other words in most of his books regarding
these meanings
(as outlined above) and this da’wah.
And I warn the reader that ash-Shaayijee does not have any
trustworthiness in
knowledge [i.e. in his quotations of others]. He throws words
around [i.e.
ascribes them to others] very haphazardly. And if this is not
the case then does
he find anything greater than this da’wah in its fight against
opposers in all their different forms? And does he find
encouragement for the
Ulamaa and the senior students of knowledge greater than that
which Shaikh
Rabee’ has mentioned with justice and adherence to the
methodology of Ahl
us-Sunnah - without exaggeration or negligence?[2]
Or is it that ash-Shaayijee wants from Shaikh Rabee’ that he should
call all of the youth and the students of knowledge to pursue and study Politics
and to immerse themselves in it so that their manners are corrupted and they
begin to adopt the ways and means of the people of immorality from amongst the
secularists and democratics - those who deny the realities and who aid their own
opinions with lies, falsehood and beautification - without any fear from Allaah
or shame of the people?!
Does this pauper want from the Shaikh and the Salafees to hold electrifying
conferences - those in which the way of the groups and parties are compromised
with the rules and conventions of politics - and to gather the people together
(upon nothing) and then to shove them in the prisons and detention camps?
Does ash-Shaayijee want from the Shaikh that he takes the adolescent youth
from the mosques, the circles of knowledge and the libraries to the streets then
to the truncheons and then … ?!
And we do not say except as our Lord says:
Verily it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts
that are in the chests that are blind
1. Because ash-Shaayijee considers this a general principle (of the Salafis)
- then it must be so that all the individuals amongst this group speak with it -
and especially their (ring)leader and the carrier of their flag. For this
reason, I only quoted some of the words of Shaikh Rabee’ instead of those
of others.
2. Perhaps the thing that has angered ash-Shaayijee is Shaikh Rabee’s
setting a condition for studying the current affairs : "The distinguished
Ulamaa and the senior students of knowledge, those who have deep-rooted
knowledge of ‘aqeedah - but not the children of the Muslims (i.e. the
youth) and the students amongst them. And this is so that they are not affected
by the ways and means of the democratics, the secularists and others besides
them. And there is no doubt that these conditions do not include ash-Shaayijee
who has no firm grounding in ‘aqeedah and so has become affected with the
call to democracy and the call to unifying the nation and things such as
diplomacy and other such things of which you will soon find in these pages.