Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said, "It is obligatory to
punish everyone who ascribes himself to them – the people of innovation – or who
defends them, or who praises them, or who reveres their books, or who detests
that they should be talked about, or who begins to make excuses for them by
saying he does not understand what these words mean or by saying that this
person also authored another book and what is similar to these types of excuses,
which are not made except by an ignoramus or a hypocrite. Rather, it is
obligatory to punish everyone who knows of their condition and did not assist in
repelling their evil, for repelling their evil is one of the greatest of
obligations." Majmoo ul-Fataawaa (2/132)
Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah also said: "And in the face of those who
perform takfir in falsehood are a people who do not know the aqidah of Ahl
us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah as it truly should be known, or they know some of it but
are ignorant of some of it. Yet whatever they do know of it, they do not always
explain it to the people but conceal it. And they do not forbid the
innovations that oppose the Book and the Sunnah, nor do they rebuke the People
of Innovations and neither do they punish them. In fact, they may even criticise
absolutely any talk of the Sunnah and the fundamental principles of the religion
[i.e. Tawhid etc.]. Or they may accommodate everyone, with all their varying
madhhabs… This approach has overcome many of the Murji’ah, some of the Jurists,
Sufis and Philosophers. And both of these two approaches (i.e. that of the
Takfiris and the Murji’ah and those with them) are deviant, and outside the
[confines of the] Book and the Sunnah." Majmu’ ul-Fatawa (16/427)
Beware O Brother and Sister Muslim from this sect – may Allaah sever it -
which accuses the Imaam and Muhaddith, Imaam of Ahl us-Sunnah and Shaikh
ul-Islaam, Muhammad Nasir ud-Deen al-Albani with the Irjaa’ of Jahm Ibn Safwaan
– and may Allaah free him from this mghty slander and exonerate him – and know
that this sect itself wallows in the extremes of Irjaa, for when, according
to its own teachings and principles, takfir ought to be performed, it
refrains from it and instead makes excuses and pleas of justification for the
statements of kufr and apostasy that emanate from its leading founders and
mentors, and from Allaah is the refuge. And it hates and detests that its
mentors and leaders and their statements of kufr and apostasy are exposed,
refuted and demolished!!
And know that anyone who promotes the books of Sayyid Qutb, portraying him as
a Scholar and Imaam, equal to the likes of Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (!!)
and Shaikh ul-Islaam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab(!!) and Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn
Baaz(!!) and one worthy to be followed in his Khariji methodology[*], then know
that either he is an ignoramus with compound ignorance or he is a person of
desires, who feigns the gown of Salafiyyah, deceives the common-folk and who
stands at the gates of Hellfire, inviting you to become one of its inhabitants,
and from Allaah is the refuge.
[*] "And it was in this period that the books of the Shaheed,
Sayyid Qutb appeared, the books that represented his final thoughts (in
ideology, before his death). Those which justified the takfir of (whole)
societies… the breaking of all sentimental attachments to society, breaking off
ties with others, and the announcement of a destructive jihad against the whole
of mankind. And showing contempt against the du’at who call for lenience and
softness, accusing them of idiocy, and being defeatist. [Saying all of
this], in front of the western civilisation. He made this manifest, in the most
clear manner in the tafsir, "Fee Zilaal il-Qur’aan", in the 2nd
edition and in ‘Ma’alim fit-Tariq’ (Milestones), and the bulk of it is taken
from ‘Zilal’ and ‘Al-Islam wa Mushkilat al-Hadaarah’ and others…"Yusuf
al-Qaradawi, one of the Leaders of Ikhwan, in ‘Priorities of the Islamic
Movement (p.110)’
"We have pointed out in what has preceded that the spread of
the ideology of takfir occurred amongst the youth of the Ikhwaan who were
imprisoned in the late fifties and early sixties, and that they were influenced
by the ideology of the Shaheed Sayyid Qutb and his writings. They derived from
these writings that the society had fallen into Jahiliyyah (of kufr), and that
he had performed takfir of the rulers who had rejected the Hakimiyyah of Allaah
by not ruling by what Allaah has revealed, and also takfir of those ruled over
(i.e. civilians), when they became satisfied with this." Fareed ‘Abdul-Khaliq,
one of the Murshids of Ikhwaan, in ‘Ikhwan ul-Muslimoon Fee Mizanil-Haqq’