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The Means To Escape the Trial which Befalls the People
From Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (radiyallaahu 'anhumaa) who said:
How will you be when you are covered by a trial in which the young grow up and the old become infirm. If anything of it is abandoned it is said: The Sunnah has been abandoned. It was said: When will that occur, O Aboo Abdur Rahman? He said: When your scholars pass away, and those ignorant amongst you become many; when those who recite amongst you are many, but those who have understanding of the religion are few; when your leaders are many, but those who are trustworthy are few; when this world is sought with actions of the Hereafter; and when knowledge is sought for other than the Religion.
Reported by ad-Daarimee (1/64), al-Laalikaa'ee (no.123), al-Haakim(4/514) and others, with saheeh chain of narration
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