"When any one of you stands up for prayer, you must
not spit in front of you nor to your right, because
Allah is in front to you; But you may spit to your left, or under your
foot." (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the hadith:
"My Lord! The Lord of the Seven Heavens, and The
Lord of the great Throne, our Lord and The Lord of all, The Creator of plants
and trees, The Revealer of the Tawrah (Old Testament), the Injil (New Testament)
and the Qur'an: I seek refuge in You from the evil of myself and from the evil
of all creatures; You are The First; Nothing is
before You. You are The Last; Nothing is after You. You are the Outward; Nothing
is over You. You are the Inward; Nothing is inside of You. Help me to pay my
debt and keep poverty from me." (Muslim)
And the saying (of the Prophet, peace be upon him), when
his companions raised up their voices in invocation (Dhikr):
"O people, restrain yourselves. Indeed, you are not
calling One Who is deaf or absent; Rather, you are
calling a Hearer, One very close by; The One Who you are calling is closer to
each one of you, closer even than the neck of your riding animal."
(Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the saying (of the Prophet, peace be upon him):
"You will see your Lord
as you see the full moon; Nothing will impair your view of Him; And if
you are able to keep the dawn prayers and the mid afternoon prayers, do
it." (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And many more of these ahadith in which the Messenger of
Allah (peace be upon him) relates of his Lord whatever he relates.
The Saved Group (al-firqah
an-najiyah), The people of the Sunnah and the Community believe these
things, as they believe what Allah revealed in His Precious Book (i.e.,
the Qur'an); (They believe) without distorting or
denying and without asking how (takyif) or shaping (tamthil); Rather,
they comprise the center of the groups of the Ummah (the Muslim nation), as the
Ummah comprises the center of all nations.
With regard to the Attributes of Allah, The Glorified,
The Exalted, they comprise the center between the denying Jahmiyah19 and the
people who shape and create likenesses (ahl at-tamthil al-mushabbihah); And they
comprise the center between the Qadariyah20 and the Jabriyah21 with regard to
[the acts of Allah the Exalted], and between the Murji'ah22 and the Wa'idiyah23
of the Qadariyah and others without regard to [Allah's threat], and between the
Haruriyah24 and the Mu'tazilah25 and between the Murji'ah and the Jahmiyah with
regard to [the names of faith and religion], and between the Rawafid26 and the
Khawarij27 with regard to the (Prophet's Companions).
Allah is Above
What we mentioned of belief in Allah
included belief in what Allah has revealed in His Book (the Qur'an), and what
has been continuously reported from His Messenger (peace be upon him), and what
the early generation of the Ummah unanimously agreed upon: That Allah, The
Glorified, is above His heavens on His Throne, exalted above His creatures, and
that He, The Glorified, is with them wherever they be and knows whatever they
do. He summed it up in His saying:
"He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth
in six days; Then He arose over the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth
and what comes out of it and what descends from heavens and what ascends into
it; He is with you wherever you are; Allah sees all what you do." (al-Hadid
His saying "He is with you" does not mean that
He is commingled with the creatures: The language does not indicate this and it
is against what the early generation of the Ummah agreed upon, and contrary to
Allah's creation of all things; For example, the moon is one of Allah's Signs to
be found amongst the smallest of his creatures; It is placed in the skies where
it is at the same time with both the traveler and the non-traveller, wherever
they are; and He, The Glorified, is on the Throne, watching over His creatures,
ruling over them; This is, as well as other Signs of His Lordship.
All that Allah The Glorified mentioned-that He is on the
Throne (al-'Arsh) and that He is with us-true in itself does not warrant
distortion but should be protected from false conjectures, such as thinking that
the apparent meaning of His saying "In Heavens" means that heavens
contain Him. This is invalid according to the consensus of all the people of
knowledge and faith.
"Indeed, His Seat (Kursi) encompasses heavens and
earth, and it is He Who holds heavens and earth so they do not perish and He Who
holds heaven so that it not fall on earth except by His Permission. "It is
among His Signs that heaven and earth stand fast by His Order." (ar-Rum