"Verily this Qur'an narrates (yaqussu) unto the
Children of Israel most of the matters which they dispute." (an-Naml
And He has said:
"This is a Blessed Book (kitabun mubarakun) which We
have sent down." (al-An'am 6/92)
And He has said:
"Had We send down this Qur'an on to a mountain,
verily you would have seen it humbled and rent asunder for fear of Allah."
(al-Hashr 59/21)
And He has said:
"When We substitute one Verse (Ayah) for another and
Allah knows best what He reveals-they say: You are but a fabricator; But most of
them know not. Say: The Trustworthy Spirit (i.e., Gabriel) has brought it (The
Qur'an) from your Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and
as Guidance and Good Tidings for Muslims. We know well that they say: It is a
man who teaches him; The language of him they falsely point to is notably
foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear." (an-Nahl 16/101-103)
Looking at Allah:
He has said:
"Some faces, That Day, will beam (in brightness and
beauty), looking toward their Lord." (al-Qiyamah 75/22-23)
And He has said:
"(Relaxing) on couches looking (at their
Lord)." (al-Mutaffifin 83/35)
See Tafsir Ibn Kathir, for support of my translation of
this verse. (The Translator)
And He has said:
"For those who do good, is the best (reward given)
and more* (thereto). (Yunus 10/26)
And He has said:
"There they have all they desire; And there is still
more with Us." (Qaf 50/35)
And the Qur'an is full of Verses which deal with this
topic; Whoever studies the Qur'an carefully searching for guidance from it, the
truthful path will be clear to him.
*According to
some interpretations: "They See Allah's face."
Allah's Names and Attributes in
the Sunnah
The Sunnah16 of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon
him) interprets the Qur'an and clarifies it, and leads to it, and expresses its
meaning. We must accept and believe in the sound Ahadith in which the Messenger
(peace be upon him) described his Lord, The Almighty, The Exalted,17 such as the
"Our Lord
descends during the last third of each night to the lower heaven, and
says: 'Is there anyone who calls on Me that I may respond to him? Is there
anyone who asks Me that I may give unto him? Is there anyone who requests My
Forgiveness that I may forgive him?"' (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and
And the hadith:
"Indeed, Allah is
happier with the repentance of his 'abd (worshipper) than any one of
you is with finding his lost riding camel." (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari
and Muslim)
And the hadith:
"Allah laughs
about two men who kill each other but both enter paradise18."
(Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the hadith:
"Allah marvels
about the despair of His creatures ('ibad), while the changing of their
situation from bad to good is very near, He looks at you, and you are very
desperate, so He keeps laughing, because He knows that your relief is very
close." (Its isnad is good; reported by AhmadIbn Hanbal and others)
And the hadith:
"(On the Day of Judgment) when a group of
unbelievers is thrown into Hell, Hell asks for more until the Lord Almighty places His Foot (over it); then it folds up saying:
Enough, enough'." (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the hadith:
"Allah The Exalted,
says: 'Adam!' And Adam answers: 'Here I am, at Your service!' Then a
voice calls: 'Verily! Allah orders you to send a delegate from your offspring to
Hell'." (Agreed upon it by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the hadith:
"Allah will talk to each
person directly without a mediator between them." (Agreed upon it
by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him) on
curing the ill:
"Our Lord Allah Who is in heaven, may Your name be
sanctified, Your law is in heaven and on earth; As Your Mercy is in heaven so
make Your Mercy on earth. Forgive our faults and our sins. You are the Lord of
the good people, bestow some of Your Mercy, and some of Your Cure on this pain
that the sick may be cured." (This hadith has good isnad, reported by Abu
Dawud and others)
And the hadith:
"Do you not trust me, while I have the trust of Him
Who is in Heaven?" (Sound hadith;
reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
And the hadith:
"The Throne is above the
water, and Allah is on the Throne; He knows what you are up to."
(Good hadith, reported by Abu Dawud and others.)
And the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the
"Where is Allah?"
And she answering: "In the heaven." And he saying: "Who
am I?" And she saying: "You are the Messenger of Allah." And he
saying "Free her; She is a believer." (Muslim)
And the hadith: