Eg: We
have shirk and kufr, which is evil. -the goodness in that
is that it clarifies eemaan. Because you cant see the
difference between black and white until you see them
makes us think about the Hereafter, encourages us to do
good deeds.
is evil but if we remain patient it is something good
because our sins are being wiped.
Huraira related that the prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam) said, 'for any trouble, illness, worry, grief
hurt, or sorrow which afflicts a Muslim, even the prick
of a thorn, Allah removes in its stead some of his
(minor) sins"(Bukhari, Muslim)
one of our beloved persons die, some people complain as
to why he has died or they think its something evil.
Whereas the prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said
'Allah the Glorious says, 'I have no reward better other
than Paradise for a believing servant of mine who is
patient and resigned, when I take away one of his beloved
ones among the most cherished things of the world."
(Bukhari) so if this person remains patient then its
something good but if he is not patient then it becomes
Iblees is something evil but it is only evil if we follow
him. If we disobey him and do not listen to him and
refrain ourselves from the evil then it becomes something
good because this is our way to paradise and we are
rewarded by doing the good. So everything that Allah has
created, has good in it and the evil comes if we use it
as evil, so the evil comes from the creation as Allah
"I seek refuge in the
Lord of the daybreak from the evil of what he has created
So the evil comes from the creation.
"Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what
the hands of men have earned (by oppression evil deeds)
that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they
have done in order that they may return." (30:41)
Evil is not an action of Allah otherwise a name would
have been derived from it for Allah but there is not such
a name. The goodness is attributed to Allah but the evil
is not attributed to him because the evil comes from the
creation depending upon how they use what Allah has
2. It manifests the names and actions of Allah
such as severe in punishment, swift in reckoning, master
of the day of judgement.
everyone been like the angels, Allahs names would not be
manifested. Allah is also just, fair, and does everything
with wisdom so he would not punish without reason for
Allah is far removed from any defects and joking.
Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said "Verily
Allah created mercy. The day he created he made it into
one hundred parts. He withheld ninety nine parts and sent
one part to all his creation. If the unbeliever knew all
of the mercy which is in the hands of Allah he would not
lose hope of entering paradise. If the believer knew of
all the punishment which is present with Allah he would
not consider himself safe from the hellfire" and in
another narration "the remaining ninety nine parts
of mercy which are with Allah is what he will use to
judge mankind on the Day of Judgement."
think of all the mercy of Allah only one part is in the
fraction from which a mother feels mercy to her child, so
if a person goes to hell he must really deserve to go to
hell. Likewise when we sin, if we did not turn in
repentance to Allah how would his attributes of
forgiveness be manifest.
Allah's Knowledge and Wisdom
Allah is All Knowing and All Wise about His choice and
the consequences.