And my advice to him and his likes is to recant from this type of explication
which is dangerous to themselves, before anyone else, and to returning to the
truth is better than wallowing in falsehood.
SIX: And yet another one of them – a Doctor in Aqidah (Safar
al-Hawali) says, "In this hotel – in every openness – there
are drinks, meaning that drinks are presented in relation to what is
available… So this is a clear invitation to the consumption of
intoxicants and there is [mixed] dancing and nakedness, alongside the
consumption of intoxicants. We seek refuge in Allaah from this disbelief (kufr),
because declaring what Allaah the Blessed and Exalted has made unlawful to be
lawful (istihlaal) is without doubt, clear and open kufr" And he also
says in one of his books, "And kufr (disbelief) and heresy (ilhad) has
appeared in our midst, and evil has been spread in our districts and invitation
is made to fornication on our radios, televisions and we have declared usury to
be lawful."
And all of this was extracted and printed in the form of a book – with
a variety of different names – ‘Kashf ul-Ghummah an Ulamaa
il-Ummah’ in Pakistan, ‘Wa’d Kissinger’ in America and
‘Haqa’iq Hawla Ahdath ul-Khalij’ in Egypt.
I say: You will see that the one who uttered these words has taken it upon
himself to say that we have declared usury to be lawful along with other matters
that are linked to it. Yet we – by the praise of Allaah – have not
declared usury to be permissible and neither has our society. Nor do we consider
the mere spread of intoxicants in certain regions to be disbelief that expels
from the religion of Islaam. Rather, that with which we worship Allaah with is
that the matters which have been mentioned by those who ascribe themselves to
the da’wah are all acts of disobedience and sin and not kufr. Rather, all
of that is kufr doona kufr, the lesser disbelief, meaning that there are certain
acts of disobedience and major sins which negate the presence of perfect and
complete Imaan for the one who commits them. But they do not negate the very
basis of Imaan, as the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "A
fornicator does not fornicate while he fornicates and remain a believer (at that
moment in time) and nor does a thief steal when he steals and remain a believer
(at that moment in time)…" to the end of the hadith.
And there is no doubt that the Imaan that has been negated here is the
perfect and complete Imaan. We ask Allaah – the Most High – that he
grants us success in our religion and guides those and their likes to the
My dear brother and sister reader – O one who has come to the Salafi
After these examples of the various [astray] ideas found in some of the
callers of today, let alone the youth who have been deluded by them, who sit in
front of these callers and take from them ideas and beliefs that destroy the
Salafi aqidah, after all this you will say: Why should we not speak about the
sects which have passed and yet their aqidah remains and their deviation is
present in our midst?
So reflect – may Allaah grant you success – about the importance
of the dawah of Tawhid, acting upon it and warning against all of the sects, in
every time and place, and returning to the methodology of the Salaf us-Salih in
light of the Book and the Sunnah – and Allaah knows