FOUR: One of those who ascribes himself to the da’wah (Salman
al-Awdah) states, "And from publicising one’s sin is that a person
boasts about his disobedience in front of his friends. He begins to proclaim
that he did such and such. And then he begins to count off a list of sins. Such
a one will not be forgiven!! Unless he repents, because the Prophet (sallallaahu
alaihi wasallam) has judged over him that he will not be forgiven, ‘All of
my Ummah will be forgiven…’. And filthier and more grave than this
is that some of them will say, ‘I have unlawful relationships’, and
‘I have female friends’ and ‘I have {certain types of)
magazines’. Such as person is satisfied with sinfulness. And some of them
record their sin on tape and describe how they become deranged by a youthful
girl and how they committed unlawful intercourse with her. And this is apostasy
from Islaam. Such a one will remain eternally in the Hellfire! Unless he
repents." [Cassette: Jalsah ala ar-Rasif].
And about the singers who distribute their cassettes amongst the youth and
which invite the youth to lowly acts, he says, "I am at perfect ease (of
conviction) that the one who does this, the least that can be said about him is
that he belittles sin. And there is no doubt that belittling sin –
especially when it is a major sin and its unlawfulness is agreed upon – is
disbelief (kufr) in Allaah. So there is no doubt concerning the likes of these
people that this act of theirs is apostasy from Islaam. I say this and my heart
is tranquil and at perfect ease with it" [Cassette: Ash-Shabaab,
As’ilah wa Mushkilaat]
I say: Certainly takfir and considering the divulgence and spreading of sin
amongst the people by way of certain types of media to be a belittlement of sin
that constitutes disbelief (kufr), shows the great boldness and courage towards
making takfir on account of a major sin. It shows the lack of fearfulness and
piety. And this is the methodology of the Khawarij, in that they perform takfir
on account of major sins.
And what this person has mentioned about informing others about sins and the
various evil connections that sinful people have, then it can be considered
plausible, not absolutely the case (as this caller has portrayed) that it is due
to istihlaal (declaring the sin to be lawful as a matter of belief). It is
possible that ignorance could be the reason behind this evil act. And in such as
case admonishment is desirable, not absolute takfir. This is the way of Ahl
us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah.
Belittlement (of sin) is not the same as mockery (istihzaa). Everyone who
commits a sin, whether a major or minor sin, then he did not commit except after
considering it to be minor and having belittled it. Hence the one who belittles
sin is not the same as the one who mocks and jests.
FIVE: And yet another one (Nasir al-Umar) says: "The imagination
that the evils present in our society are just sins? Many people now imagine
that [involvement with] usury is only a sin or a major sin, and that intoxicants
and drugs are merely sins, that bribery is a sin or one of the major sins.
… No my brothers! I have investigated this matter and it has become clear
to me now that many of the people in our society have declared usury to be
lawful – and refuge is from Allaah!! Do you know that in the usurious
banks in our country there are more than a million people. Allaah is over you.
Do all of those millions know that usury is unlawful and that they have only
committed this act while it is just a sin? No, by Allaah!! Due to the spread and
abundance of sin, the great danger present is that many have declared
(istahalloo) these major sins – and refuge is with Allaah"
[Cassette: Taweed Awwalan].
I say the same as what I said for the previous examples.
However this statement is more damaging to the one who expressed it in my
view and understanding. This is because he said, in exaggeration of the danger,
that the various acts of disobedience that take place in the society such as
taking usury, consuming intoxicants and acts of bribery, that all of that is not
merely a sin or a major sin. And he swore and oath by Allaah over this.
And this resolute [judgement] that the one who commits these sins is one who
declares them to be permissible as a matter of belief (mustahill), without
actually having heard from someone that he has clearly stated that usury is
lawful, that bribery is lawful, that intoxicants and drugs are lawful -
resolving oneself upon takfir (of an individual) without having heard any of
these expressions, or testifying to istihlaal for him (i.e. his having declared
it permissible as a matter of belief), out of mere plausibility, is a clear
evidence of the lack of piety and fearfulness and the lack of any concern of
this takfiri. And this is the methodology of the Khawarij and the