Abdur-Razzaq ash-Shayijee |
Refuting Shayijee : Shayijee's Forgery Against Shaikh Bin Baaz |
Author: Faalih Bin Talee'ah |
Source: Translated by Abu Iyaad as-Salafi |
Article ID : NDV100005 [24836] |
Ash-Shaayijee quotes the statement of Shaikh Abdul Azeez Bin
Baaz in his
valuable advice which was related to verification when
criticising and not to
attack specific individuals. Ash-Shaayijee quotes it as if it
was specifically
related to the scholars of Madinah. And the Shaikh negated [the
claim] that his
intent by his advice was to address the scholars of Madinah in
another one of
his statements and this is known by everybody. But along with
this ash-Shaayijee
insisted that the intent behind the statement was to address the
scholars of
Madinah. So after he quoted the statement of Shaikh Bin Baaz he
said: "And this mighty statement is a historical record and
everlasting testimony, and words of light with which he spoke
and he is at the
level of the Imaam of the all the Muslims in this era."
Then he mentions that the intent behind it was Shaikh Rabee
and his
And there is no doubt that this overturning and twisting the
true state of
affairs, and a great knowledge-related deception for which there
is no parallel.
And we shall leave you with Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz
himself to slap this
man who invented a lie against him...
And our Brothers, the well known Scholars in Madeenah,
we do not have a
doubt about them. They are possessors of a sound aqeedah and
they are from
Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, such as Shaikh Muhammad Amaan
bin Alee, Shaikh
Rabee' bin Haadee, Shaikh Saalih bin Sa'd as-Suhaimee,
Shaikh Faalih bin
Naafi', Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee [al-Madkhalee] - all of
them are known to
us to have Istiqaamah, knowledge and sound aqeedah. We ask
increase in every
good for them from Allaah and success in what pleases Him.
However the
callers of falsehood (duaat ul-baatil) and the people who
(others) in murky waters, they are the ones who cause
confusion amongst the
people and who speak in these matters and they say: The
intent was
this and that, and this is not good. It is necessary to
take the
words in their best possible light. And the intent [behind
the advice] was
co-operation upon birr and taqwaa, and to purify the hearts
and to warn
against backbiting which causes rancour and enmity. [The
Tape: Explanation
of Shaikh Bin Baaz of his Statement]