Ruling By Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed |
Imam Ibn Baz on the One Who Uses the Fatwa of Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim to Assert Generalised Takfir |
Source: Saihatu Nadhir of Shaikh Ali Hasan (pp. 98-99) (trans. Abu Iyaad as-Salafi) |
Article ID : MNJ050005 [44680] |
And in the Kuwaiti magazine, "al-Furqan", no 28 (p. 16) is the
transcript of gathering that took place with the Noble Shaikh `Abdul-`Aziz Bin
Baz – rahimahullaah – and he is the student of Shaikh Muhammad bin
Ibrahim and the spreader of his knowledge. In this gathering he was asked the
following question:
"There is a fatwa of Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Aal Shaikh –
rahimahullaah – which the People of Takfir use to demonstrate that the
Shaikh did not differentiate between the one who ruled by other than the
Sharee’ah of Allah - `Azza wa Jalla – while he declares this act of
his to be permissible (mustihillan), and the one who is not like this (i.e. does
not declare his act to be permissible) – (while this) differentiation is
well known amongst the Ulamaa."
Shaikh Ibn Baz replied:
"This matter is firmly established with the Ulamaa – as I have
mentioned previously – that the one who declares that to be permissible
(man istahalla dhalik) then he has disbelieved. As for the one who does not
declare that to be permissible, such as the one who judges subject to bribery
and similar things, then this is only the minor kufr (kufr doona kufr). And when
an Islamic State is established and which has power and capability, then it
should struggle against the one who does not judge by what Allaah has revealed
until it forces him to do so."
The questioner said, "But they use the fatwa of Shaikh Muhammad bin
Ibrahim as evidence?!"
Shaikh Bin Baz replied:
"Muhammad bin Ibrahim is not infallible (ma’soom), he is but a
scholar from amongst the scholars, he is sometimes correct and sometimes in
error and he is not a Prophet nor a Messenger. Likewise, Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn
Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Kathir and other scholars. All of them are
sometimes correct and they sometimes err. But only what conforms to the truth is
taken from their statements and as for what opposes the truth, then it is
rejected from the one who said it."