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Khushoo` and Beautification of the Prayer
  A Summary of the Lessons and Benefits of Prayer
Author: Abu `Iyad as-Salafi
Source: Extracted from Hussain al-Awaishah's Book "As-Salat wa Atharuhaa..."
Article ID : IBD060003  [34561]  
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35. That the one who walks for the prayer in congregation, after having beautified his wudhoo and travels to visit Allaah the Exalted, is bestowed with a great favour in that Allaah honours those of his servants who visit Him, and Allaah’s honouring of them is increasing their Eemaan, showing benevelonce to them, rewarding them, raising their ranks, removing their difficulties and making their hearts content and happy.

36. The obligation to pray in congregation.

37. That the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) did not make a concession for the old blind man by allowing him to leave the congregational prayer. How then can those who are fit and well be allowed a concession?

38. That whoever abandons the congregational prayer has been threatened with heedlessness and having a seal placed on his heart.

39. That staying away from the congregational prayer is a sign of hypocrisy.

40. The extreme striving of the Companions (radiallaahu anhu) for attending the congregational prayer inspite of difficult circumstances.

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