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A Description of the Prophet's Prayer
  On Placing the Hands in the Prayer
Author: Al-Haafidh al-Mubaarakfooree
Article ID : IBD040002  [38680]  
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So if this addition was present in the ‘Musannaf’ he would have mentioned it, and his works are replete with quotes from it. And this is ibn Ameer al-Haaj, who outdid his shaykh ibn al-Hammaam in research and depth of investigation, saying in ‘Sharh al-Maniyyah’, ‘What is established in the Sunnah is to place the right hand upon the left in prayer, and there is no authentic hadeeth that establishes the place of placing them on the body except the aforementioned hadeeth of Wa’il.’ So if this hadeeth were present with this addition, Ibn Ameer al-Haaj would have mentioned it especially since his commentaries are overflowing with quotes from the ‘Musannaf’." [End of quote from as-Sindee]

I say (in conclusion): the aforementioned hadeeth of Wail bin Hujr even though it’s sanad is good, there is a severe problem in affirming the wording, ‘below the navel’ as you have come to know.

2) The hadeeth of Alee (RA) reported by Abu Dawood, Ahmad, ibn Abee Shaybah, ad-Daaruqutnee, al-Bayhaqee and Abu Juhayfah that Alee said, ‘the Sunnah is to place the hand upon the hand below the navel.’

I say: it’s isnaad contains Abd ar-Rahmaan Ishaaq al-Waasitee, and this hadeeth revolves around him. And he is da’eef and it is not correct to depend upon him. al-Haafidh az-Zayla’i said in ‘Nasb ar-Raayah’ after mentioning this hadeeth, ‘ibn Qattaan said, "Abd ar-Rahmaan bin Ishaaq, he is ibn al-Harb Abu Shaybah al-Waasitee and ibn Hanbal and Abu Haatim said about him, "rejected in hadeeth." And ibn Ma’een said, "he is nothing." And Bukhaaree said, "there is a problem in him." And al-Bayhaqee said in ‘al-Ma’rifah’, "it’s isnaad is not authentic, And ar-Rahmaan bin Ishaaq al-Waasitee is alone in reporting it and he is abandoned." And an-Nawawee said in ‘al-Khulaasa’ and ‘Sharh Saheeh Muslim’, "and it is a hadeeth which is weak by agreement for Abd ar-Rahmaan bin Ishaaq is weak by agreement."’

And Shaikh ibn al-Hammaam said in ‘at-Tahreer’, ‘when al-Bukhaaree says about someone, "there is a problem in him" then his hadeeth are not depended upon or used for support, or given any consideration.’

So when you come to know all of this, it becomes clear that this hadeeth of Alee is not to be depended upon, or used as support or given any consideration. Then it also contradicts the tafseer of Alee to the saying of Allaah, "wanhar" that he placed his hand upon the center of his left forearm and placed them upon his chest - reported by al-Bayhaqee, ibn Abee Shaybah, ibn al-Mundhir, ibn Abee Haatim, ad-Daaruqutnee, Abu ash-Shaykh, al-Haakim and ibn Mardawiyyah as in ‘ad-Durra al-Manthoor’.

al-Faadil Mulla al-Haddaad said in ‘Haashiyah al-Hidaayah’, ‘so when the hadeeth of placing the hands below the navel is weak, and contradicts the narration of Alee that he explained His saying, "wanhar", by placing the right hand upon his left on his chest then it is obligatory to act upon the hadeeth of Wa’il which an-Nawawee mentioned. Then this (da’eef) hadeeth of Alee is also to be considered abrogated according to the way of the Hanafiyyah. The author of ‘ad-Durra fee Idh’haar Gash Naqd as-Surra’, and he is Hanafee in madhab, said, "Abu Dawood reports on the authority of Jarir ad-Dabbi that he said, ‘I saw Alee placing his right hand upon his left wrist above the navel.’ So the principle of our scholars is that when the Companion acts contrary to what he narrates then this indicates the abrogation of what is narrated.’

I say: the isnaad of the narration of Alee, I mean the one that Abu Dawood relates from Jarir ad-Dabbi is saheeh as you will come to know.

3) The hadeeth of Abu Hurayra reported by Abu Dawood from Abu Waa’il who said, ‘Abu Hurayra said, hold the hand with the hand below the navel.’ I say: the isnaad of this hadeeth also contains Abd ar-Rahmaan bin Ishaaq al-Waasitee. So this hadeeth is also not fit to depend upon, or use as a support or give any consideration to as you have just come to know.

4) The hadeeth that ibn Hazm mentions in ‘al-Muhalla’ in ta’leeq form from Anas with the wording, ‘three are from the manners of the Prophethood: hastening the iftaar, delaying the suhoor, and placing the right hand upon the left below the navel in the prayer.’

I say: I have not come across the sanad of this hadeeth, and the Hanafee scholars mention it in their books and depend upon it but they do not mention it’s isnaad. And if the isnaad of something is not known then it is not correct to depend upon it, or use it as support or give it any consideration.

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