The one whose heart is subdued and becomes an 'Abd for
other than Allaah will be harmed by that even if he is a king!
Freedom is the freedom of the heart and al-'Uboodiyah is
the 'Uboodiyah of the heart. Similarly well-being is the well-being of the soul.
In the Sunnah: Well-being is not how much wealth you have, but it is the well
being of the soul.
This is the case when a lawful image has enslaved ones's
heart. Whoevers heart is enslaved by an unlawful image will earn a torment more
severe than any known torment.
Continuous attachment of the heart without committing
al-Faahishah is more harmful for him than it is for the person who commits a sin
and repents of it, since after true repentance the attachment and affection
vanishes from the heart.
The greatest cause of this affliction is the heart's
turning away from Allaah; the heart needs to taste worshipping of Allaah
sincerely... someone will not leave a lover except to replace him with someone
more beloved or fearing some harm; turn the heart from a corrupt love to a
righteous love.
...Thus (did We order) that We
might away from him evil and al-Fahshaa.. [Yoosuf ayah 24]
Thus Allaah turns away from his Abd that which could be
evil for him from the inclination towards images and attachment to them. He also
turns al-Fahshaa away from him when he is sincere to Allaah. Hence, before he
tastes the sweetness of al-'Uboodiyah to Allaah and sincerity for Him, he will
be forced by his soul to follow its own passion, but once he gets the taste of
sincerity and becomes strong in his heart, then his passion will submit to him
without any effort.
...Verily, as-Salaat prevents the
committing of blatant sins and iIlegal deeds, and the mindfullness of Allaah is greater
indeed [Al-Ankaboot ayah 45]
Indeed in as-Salaah there is repulsion of harmful things,
i.e. al-Fahshaa and al-Munkar; and there is attainment of a beloved thing,
mindfulness of Allaah. The attainment of this beloved thing is greater than the
repulsion of the harmful things. Indeed, the mindfulness of Allaah is, by
itself, a worship of Allah; and the heart's worship of Allaah is sought for
itself whereas the repulsion of evil from the heart is sought for other than
itself . Instead, it is needed for something else.
Indeed he succeeds who sanctifies
it (his own soul), and he fails who corrupts it (his own soul). [Ash Shams ayaat 9-10]
Indeed, he shall achieve success
who sanctifies himself and is mindful of the Name of Allaah and performs Salaat. [Al-Alaa ayaat 14-15]
Tell the believing men to lower
their gaze and protect their private parts from sins. That is more sanctifiying for
them...[An-Noor ayah 30]
...And had it not been for the
Grace of Allaah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been sanctified... [An-Noor ayah 21]
Thus the sanctification of the soul comprises getting rid
of all evils including blatant sins, injustice, shirk, and lying.
Thus he who seeks leadership becomes the slave of his
people in reality! Both manifest worship of each other and both have gone away
from His true worship. Hence each one who was a slave and obsessed by his
passion becomes subdued by the other! Imagine if their mutual help is for an
unjust dominion.
Same for one who strives for wealth. Wealth is of two
One type is that for which al-'Abd has a need, such as
food, drink, housing and marital life. This type shold be asked for from Allaah
and should be sought for His pleasure. Thus, this wealth, which a person uses
for his needs, is of the same level as his donkey, which he rides, or his mat,
on which he sits. Furthermore, it should be regarded on the same level as a
water closet, in which he satisfies his need without becoming subdued or
dismayed by it.
Irritable (disorientented) when
evil touches him, and niggardly when good touches him. [Al-Ma'aarij ayaat 20-21]
The other type of wealth is that which al-'Abd does not
need for his necessities. He should not attach his heart to this type of wealth.
Thus the first hadeeth. This person is indeed a
slave of those objects. He asks Allaah for them, if granted he is pleased, but if denied
he is upset. However the true 'Abd of Allaah is the one who is pleased with what Allaah
and His Rasool
love and hates what is
hated by Allaah and His Rasool
and will make allegiance with Awliyaa Allaah
and take for enemies the enemies of Allaah.
The Messenger (S) said, "Whoever loves for
Allaah, hates for Allaah, gives for Allaah and denies for Allaah has indeed completed
al-Eemaan." [Abu Daawood with
good isnaad. See Silsilat Al-Ahaadeeth As Saheehah No. 379]
The Messenger (S) said, "The most strong of
Al- Eemaan's ties is love in the sake of Allaah and hate in the sake of Allaah." [Hadeeth Hasan extracted by Ahmad and at-Tabaraanee]