Fifthly: With respect to the isnaad of the narration
which Bayhaqee mentions from al-Haakim from Abu Amr ibn as-Sammaak from
Hanbal... then: Al-Haakim reports a hadeeth in his 'Mustadrak' (1/539):
"Abu Amr bin as-Sammaak related to us: Muhammad bin Eesaa al-Madaa'inee
narrated to us..." Adh-Dhahabee comments upon it in his Talkhees saying:
"I say: Abu Amr is not known (laa yu'raf) and al-Madaa'inee is abandoned
(matrouk)"! So the narration, as we have mentioned previously, is not
established from Imaam Ahmad since Abu Amr ibn as-Sammaak is unknown!
So there is no proof for the Jahmee in this issue and
all praise is due to Allaah, who is praised on account of His Most-Perfect Names
and Attributes, there is nothing like Him and He is the all-Hearing,
33 Refer also to Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree's al-Ibaanah an
Usool id-Diyaanah.
34 A Disastrous and Cataclysmic Earthquake to
Engulf and Swallow the Aforementioned Jahmee, Rendering him Abased, Despised and
Muhammad bin al-Hasan ash-Shaybaanee (d. 189H) said:
"Hammaad bin Abu Haneefah said: "We said to them: Do you consider the
saying of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic:
And your Lord comes accompanied by the Angels, ranks
upon ranks" [Soorah Fajr 89:22]
They said: "As for the Angels then they come, ranks
upon ranks. But as for the Lord - the Most High - then we do not know what is
meant by that [1] and we do not know the kaifiyyah (how) of His coming." So
I said to them: "We do not oblige you to know how He comes but we oblige
you to have faith in His coming. Do you not consider that the one who rejects
that the Angels come, ranks upon ranks, what is he to you?" They said: A
Kaafir (disbeliever) a Mukadhdhib (rejector)." I said: "Then likewise,
the one who denies that Allaah - the Most Perfect - comes then he is a Kaafir, a
Mukadhdhib." Aqeedatus-Salaf wa Ashaabil-Hadeeth (p.49) of Abu Uthmaan
[1] And in this is a refutation of the People of
Innovations and Desires - such as this Jahmee - who claim that the verses (and
ahaadeeth) mentioning the Attributes of Allaah are from the mutashaabihaat
(unclear verses) whose meanings are unknown. Rather, it is the kaifiyyah
(precise nature) which is unknown, but as for the meanings, then the way of the
Salaf, in opposition to the way this Jahmee, is to affirm them but to relegate
the knowlege of exactly how they are (kaifiyyah), to Allaah, the Mighty and
Majestic. And here you may note a further difference between the Salaf and the
People of Innovations and Desires. The Salaf relegate the knowledge of exactly
how the Attributes are to their Lord, but they affirm the apparent meanings of
these Attributes, in a real sense. As for the Innovators, they relegate the
knowledge of the meanings of the Attributes to Allaah, claiming that affirming
them would necessitate tashbeeh?! And thus, this Jahmee, like his forefathers,
Jahm bin Safwaan and al-Qaadee Abdul-Jabbaar, describes Allaah with nothingness!
The falsehood of this claim has already been discussed above and more will be
said about it in what follows, inshaa'allaah.
Abu Abdullaah bin Abee Hafs al-Bukhaaree also said in
his book: "Ibraaheem bin al-Ash'at said: "I heard al-Fudayl bin 'Iyaad
(d. 187H) say: "When a Jahmee says to you: 'We do not believe in a Lord
that descends to His place (yanzilu alaa makaanihi)' then say: "I believe
in a Lord who does whatever He wills." Aqeedatus-Salaf wa Ashaabil-Hadeeth
(p.50) of Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee and Usool ul-I'tiqaad (no.775) of
Ahmad bin Alee al-Abaar said: "I heard Yahyaa bin
Ma'een say: "When you hear a Jahmee saying: 'I disbelieve in a Lord that
descends', then say: "I believe in a Lord that does whatever He
wills." Usool ul-I'tiqaad of al-Laalikaa'ee (no.776).
And Hammaad bin Salamah said: "Abuse whosoever you
see rejecting this (i.e. the Descent of Allaah to the Lowest Heaven)."
Al-Arba'een fee Sifaat Allaah (no. 49).
So where does this vile, filthy, treacherous Jahmee
stand with respect to the likes of these notables and great Imaams?!
And Abul Hasan al-Ash'aree (d. 324H) said: "And we
believe in all the narrations that the People of Narration have considered to be
authentic regarding the Descent (of Allaah) to the Lowest Heaven and that the
Lord, Mighty and Majestic says: "Is there one asking, is there one seeking
forgiveness", and the totality of what they quote and consider to be
established, in opposition to the people of deviancy and misguidance." Al-
Ibaanah (p. 60).