Sayyid Qutb |
The Mistakes and Innovations of Sayyid Qutb |
Article ID : NDV010008 [39808] |
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Amongst those who have criticised
Sayyid Qutb include:
- Shaikh Abdullaah ad-Dawaish - may Allaah have mercy
upon him. He criticised 'az-Zilaal' a number of years ago and recorded over 180 mistakes
in the matters of 'aqeedah and manhaj in his book 'al-Mawrid az-Zalaal fit -Tanbeeh alaa
Akhtaa az-Zilaal'
- And for his takfeer of the whole Ummah he was
even criticised by some of the prominent figureheads of Ikhwaan, indicating that at his time, his ideas were not really widely accepted.
- Shaikh Mahmood Muhammad Shaakir and others criticised
him in his lifetime and refuted him regarding his reviling and slander of Uthmaan (ra) and
the other Companions such as az-Zubair, Sa'd, Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Awf and also some of the
- Shaikh Muhammad Hamood an-Najdi in his book 'al-Qawl
ul-Mukhtasir al-Mubeen fee Manhaahij al-Mufassireen' regarding his position on the
- Muhammad Tawfeeq Barakaat in his book 'Sayyid Qutb
Khulaasatu Hayaatihi' (p.176-177) said:In these pages we shall try - with the help of
Allaah - to state the most important criticisms that have been directed
at Sayyid Qutb - may Allaah have mercy upon him - whether it is positive
or negative, trying to do that to the best of our capability. And to the
extent of my knowledge, there has not appeared any Muslim writer who has
been promoted to such a high level, or whose position has been
disparaged and reduced to a low level as the likes of Sayyid Qutb - and
we are not festering this second aspect [i.e Qutb's disparagement]. Let
us then look at some of the things that have been said about him,
- It has been said: That he is a new prophet for a
specific Jamaa'ah of the Muslims
- It has been said: That he does not know what comes
out of his head, the strong sentiments and fluency of the language led him to words which
are but useless [no meaning behind them]
- It has been said: That he is a man of
imaginations/ideas, he makes his rulings upon whims and he flies in the wind/breeze of the
soul therefore he does not correctly know the true state of affairs
- It has been said: That he used to speak about the
ahkaam (rulings) of the Sharee'ah without having any knowledge whatsoever of fiqh
- It has been said: That he desires to bring about a
massive barrier between the Muslims and the Islamic fiqh
- It has been said: That he desired to cut the people
off from the books of tafseer with the use of sentimental words in his Zilaal
- It has been said: That he declared all the Muslims to
be disbelievers and did not leave save a few people who were still revolving around Islam.
- And many more things have been said about him
- Shaikh Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee who
criticised him for his speaking with 'wahdatul-wujood' and said that he was merely a
writer [adeeb], who was ignorant, with no knowledge, and that he did not call to the
Tawheed of Allaah.
It is not correct therefore to claim
that Sayyid Qutb is being criticised and disparaged now, in the Nineties by a
single or perhaps two or three scholars. Rather a fair number of scholars have
criticised him for many things and additionally he was criticised during his
lifetimes very heavily for many matters in which he made grave and serious errors.
Amongst them are: