The Zanaadiqah - or the heretics - are groups, such as
many of the Soofees who have become like the Christians and reduced the religion
to just 'love' and so all their talk and all their mystical practices are
centred around developing more 'love'.
It is thus clear how imbalances in any of the three
qualities of worship can lead to major deviation and straying from the True
Guidance, Therefore it is important for every Muslim to inculcate all three
things in his heart properly. As was mentioned before, the fear and hope should
be in equal proportions[6] but as for love, then that should be uppermost, As
Fudayl ibn Iyyaad (d.187H) said: "The love is better than fear. The fear
checks us from sinning, and the love makes us to do what is prescribed with an
open heart."[7]
May Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala grant us what we hope
for and protect us from what we fear. Aameen.
1 This is why the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
encouraged us to give gifts to one another. He said: "Give gifts to one
another, you will come to love one another." [Hasan - Collected in
al-Bukhaaree's al-Adabul-Mufrad & declared hasan by al-Albaanee in
2 As explained by Ibnul-Qayyim (d.751H) in
Badaa'i-ul-Faawaa'id & others.
3 Hasan - Collected by at-Tirmidhee & Ibn Maajah.
Authenticated by al-Albaanee in Ahkaamul-Janaa'iz (no. 2).
4 Quoted by ibn Rajab in at-Takhweef minan-Naar as the
saying of one of the Salaf.
5 Saheeh - Reported by Aboo Hurairah & collected in
Aboo Daawood (eng. trans. vol.3 p.1365 no.4883). Authenticatd by al-Albaanee in
Saheehul-Jaami (4455).
6 This was the opinion of most of the Salaf. Al-Fudayl
ibn 'Iyyaad said that when one is healthy and well, then fear should
predominate, but when terminally ill then hope should predominate - so that one
should strive to do good when well and not despair of Allah's Mercy when
terminally ill. [At-Takhweef minan-Naar].
7 Reported in at-Takhweef minan-Naar of Ibn Rajab. Note
that some scholars hold that fear is better than love. Allah knows best.