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Missionaries et al.
The Correct Reply   (3 Articles)
Al-Jawab as-Sahih : Part 3 : The Qur'an on the Universality of Muhammad's Prophethood
Refuting the claim of the Missionary that Muhammad's call was exclusive to the Arabs and highlighting the contradictory mode of argument. [03-Nov-00 : 12:00 AM]
Al-Jawab as-Sahih : Part 2 : The Nature of Prophethood
Discussing the reality of the argument of the Christians that Muhammad was not sent to them but only to the Pagan Arabs, and its contradictory nature. [27-Oct-00 : 12:00 AM]
Al-Jawab as-Sahih : Part 1 : Reason For Writing the Work
The introduction to the monumental work that is every missionary's worst nightmare. Reasons for the writing of this work and a summar of the arguments adduced by the Christians [27-Oct-00 : 12:00 AM]

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