Then there are the well-known
ahaadeeth mentioning the completeness of faith wherein he (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) asked, "which
creation is the greatest with respect to faith?" It was said: the Angels. Then it
was said: us O Messenger of Allaah. So he said, "rather a nation that will come
after you" {16}and he mentioned their characteristics. And from these is his
saying, "indeed the believer with the most complete faith is the best of them in
character." {17} And likewise his saying, "a man will not have complete
faith until he leaves lying in jest, and arguing even if he be in the truth."
{18} And a similar hadeeth is reported from Umar bin al-Khattaab and ibn Umar. And more
clear than this is the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) pertaining to the intercession wherein
he said, "so the one whose heart contains a barley grains weight, and a wheat
grains weight, and an atoms weight of faith will be removed from Hell." {19}
from them is the hadeeth when he was asked about whispering, to which he replied, "that
is the pure and unadulterated faith." {20} And likewise the hadeeth of Alee (AS), "indeed faith
starts as a white spot in the heart, so each time faith increases, the white
spot increases in magnitude." {21}
There are a great number of narrations
concerning this whose mention will lengthen the discussion that serve to clarify
to you the correlation of faith in the heart with actions, and all of them, or
most of them, stress that righteous actions are from faith. {22} So how is it
possible to oppose these by way of falsification or rejection?!
And from those things that testify to the
truth of it's correlation with actions is the saying of Allaah,
"The believers are only
those whose hearts tremble when Allaah is mentioned, and when His verses are recited they
increase them in faith, and upon their Lord they put their trust" (6:2) to his
saying, "they are in truth the believers." (6:3) {23}
So Allaah did not give faith a reality
except with action upon these conditions (mentioned in the verse). And the one
who thinks that merely a saying makes one a true and complete believer even if
there is no action (accompanying the saying) is one who is opposing the Book of
Allaah and the Sunnah.
And from those things that clarify
the differing levels of faith in the heart is His saying,
"O you who believe! When the believing women
come to you as fugitives, test them. Allaah Knows best their faith, then
if you ascertain that they are true believers."
Do you not see that here there is a level
less than the complete level [in that Allaah has addressed the believers to test
other believers] And likewise His saying,
"O you who believe! Believe
in Allaah and His Messenger." (4:136)
So if this was not a command to increase in
ones faith then there would be no meaning in ordering the believers to believe
in Allaah and His Messenger. Then He also says,
"Alif Laam Meem. Do people
think that they will be left alone because they say: 'we believe' and will not be tested?
And We tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make it known (the
truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make it known (the falsehood of) those
who are liars." (29:1-3)
"Of mankind there are some
who say: 'we believe in Allaah' but if they are made to suffer for the sake of Allaah they
consider the trial of mankind as Allaah's Punishment." (29:10)
"And that Allaah may test
(or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers."
So do you not see Allaah trying the
believers to attest their saying with action and not being Pleased with their merely
affirming (the shahaadah) without accompanying
it with action? So what is there to be followed after the Book of Allaah, the
Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) , and the guidance of the Salaf after him - those
who are our role-models and Imaams?!
So what have the scholars stated
about this matter which we have declared to be the Sunnah? It is none other than that we
have stated in this book of ours - that faith consists of intention, saying and action
together, and that it has levels some above others, and that it's first and highest level
is the testification with the tongue as the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) said in the hadeeth
in which he made faith to have seventy and odd branches. So if someone were to articulate
this shahaadah and accept that which has come from Allaah, the appellation of faith
becomes incumbent upon him due to his entering it, and as he increases in obedience and taqwa to Allaah - his faith