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Yusuf al-Qaradawi
  Readings in Qaradawism : Part 3 : Statements of Apostasy
Article ID : NDV160003  [37485]  
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That by which the Ummah has been put to trial in current times is the emergence of a people who wear the gown of knowledge, abrogate the Sharee’ah in the name of "revivalism" and facilitate all of the ways to corruption in the name of "understanding the ease and lenience of Islaam". And so they opened up evil and despicable avenues in the name of "ijtihaad". Then they belittled the affairs of the Sunnah in the name of the "understanding of priorities" and they also declared their loyalty for the Infidels in the name of "creating a good picture of Islaam".

And at the head of them is the muftee known as Yusuf al-Qaradaawi who has worked in order to spread this ideology by way of the Internet, lectures, lessons, books and conferences and others ways.


Some reliable students of knowledge had informed us that they had heard directly from a cassette the saying of al-Qaradawi, the ignorant and evil Muftee, that if Allaah had partaken in elections (i.e. became a candidate) he would not have won with such a victory that Netanyahu had won in Israel, since the latter took 99% of the votes.

The actual text of his words are as follows (in the second part of a Friday khutbah), "Before I leave this station of mine (i.e. from giving this khutbah) I love that I should say a word about the results of the Israeli elections. The Arabs, all of them, were placing their hopes in the victory of Barleen, however he lost and this is what we praise about Israel. We desire and hope that our country can be like this country. Due to only a small number of people, the one who was actually ruling lost his position. There was not 94% or 95% (of votes) which is what we are accustomed to in our country, but 99%, (yes) 99%. If Allaah had presented himself to the people as a candidate he would not have been able to take this amount… we welcome Israel for what it has accomplished…"

Corroborating this is Shaikh Muqbil bin Haadee, who stated in his refutation of the Wicked Muftee in the book "Silencing the Hounding Dog", "On this day I was informed by the brother, Saalih al-Bakri that he heard some words of (al-Qaradawi) in a cassette that he says that this Jew (i.e. the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu) was victorious by 99% of votes and that Allaah cannot even achieve this, even if the people voted for Allaah, He would not be able to acquire 99% of the votes. These words are clear and manifest misguidance. If he wished to make a Jew superior to Allaah, free is He from imperfection, the Most High, then he is a disbeliever (i.e. apostate). And if he intended that the Jews and Christians and the worshippers of the cow and chickens and others are very many in number yet they do not vote for Allaah, then this is another matter, however it is still clear misguidance (on al-Qaradawi’s behalf).

For verily our Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, is not in need of voting, for He, free is He of all imperfection is the one who says "Be" to something and it is. He is the one who destroyed Fir’aun, and He destroyed Qaarun, and He destroyed many nations, from amongst those who exceeded beyond bounds and who stood in the faces of the Prophets of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. So he aided the Prophets and gave them victory, in this life and the next.

Voting is only needed by a weak man, O Pauper!…. Have you disbelieved O Qaradawi or have you brought yourself nearer?…And after that this Aqeel al-Maqtari comes along, may Allaah not bless him, and he honoured and welcomed Yusuf al-Qaradawi, just as he honoured and welcomed Muhammad Suroor… " (Silencing the Hounding Dog, pp.110-112).

Stated Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen after these words were played to him, "I seek refuge in Allaah. It is obligatory for this person to repent. And if he does not he should be killed as an apostate, since he made the creation more knowledgeable than the Creator. It is upon him to repent to Allaah, so if he repents, then Allaah forgives the sins of His servants. And if not then the Wullaat ul-Amr should strike his neck (with the sword)." (Cassette Recording, quoted in Silencing the Hounding Dog, p.119).

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