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Hajj and Umrah
  The Book of Hajj : Part 4
Author: Imaam al-Bukhaaree
Source: Saheeh ul-Bukhaaree
Article ID : IBD110005  [35334]  
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Narrated Ibn ' Abbas : Dhul-Majaz and 'Ukaz were the markets of the people during the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. When the people embraced Islam, they disliked to do bargaining there till the following Holy Verses were revealed:-- There is no harm for you If you seek of the bounty Of your Lord (during Hajj by trading, etc.) (2.198)

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 823:

Narrated ' Aisha: Safiya got her menses on the night of Nafr (departure from Hajj), and she said, "I see that I will detain you." The Prophet said, "Aqra Halqa! Did she perform the Tawaf on the Day of Nahr (slaughtering)?" Somebody replied in the affirmative. He said, "Then depart." (Different narrators mentioned that) 'Aisha said, "We set out with Allah's Apostle (from Medina) with the intention of performing Hajj only. When we reached Mecca, he ordered us to finish the Ihram. When it was the night of Nafr (departure), Safiya bint Huyay got her menses. The Prophet said, "Halqa Aqra! I think that she will detain you," and added, "Did you perform the Tawaf (Al-Ifada) on the Day of Nahr (slaughtering)?" She replied, "Yes." He said, "Then depart." I said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have not (done the Umra)." He replied, "Perform 'Umra from Tan'im." My brother went with me and we came across the Prophet in the last part of the night. He said, "Wait at such and such a place."

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