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Hajj and Umrah
  Rites of Hajj and Umrah From the book and Sunnah and Narrations from the Pious Predecessors
Author: Shaikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Article ID : IBD110001  [72769]  
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8. The meeqaats (places for assuming iHraam) are five: Dhul Hulaifah, Al-Juhfah, Qarn-ul manaazil, Yalamlam and Dhaatu `Irq. They are for those who live there and those who pass by them intending Hajj or 'Umrah. And he whose house is nearer than them to Makkah then he makes iHraam from his house, the people of Makkah making iHraam from Makkah.

DHUL HULAIFAH is the place for the people of Madinah and is a village six or seven miles away - and it is the furthest meeqaat from Makkah - being ten riding stations away - or less depending on the route, there being many routes from there to Makkah as Ibn Taimiyyah points out. And it is called ((waadi ul `Aqeeq,)) and its masjid is called ((Masjid-ush-shajarah)) (mosque of the Tree), and there is spring there called `the spring of `Ali' by the ignorant masses - believing that `Ali : killed a jinn there - and that is a lie.

And AL-JUHFAH is a village between Madinah and Makkah - about three travel stages away. It is the meeqat for the people of Madinah if they come by this route. Ibn Taimiyyah said: "It is the meeqaat for those who make Hajj from the direction of the west, like the people of Shaam (Greater Syria) and Egypt and the rest of the West. And it is today ruined and deserted, therefore the people now go into iHraam before it in the place called "Raabigh".

And Qarn UL MANAAZIL - which is also called "Qarn-uth-Tha'aalib" is near Makkah - being a day and night's journey away - and is the meeqaat for the people of Najd.

And YALAMLAM is a place two nights distant from Makkah, thirty miles away and is the meeqaat for the people of Yemen.

And DHAATU TRQ is a place out in the desert, marking the border between Najd and Tihaamah, being forty-two miles from Makkah. It is the meeqaat for the people of Iraq.

The Prophet's order to perform Hajj UT-TAMATTU

9. So when he wishes to make iHraam and is making Hajj-ul-Qirran, having brought the sacrificial animal with him, he should say: labbaikallaahumma bi-hajjah wa umrah

(Here I am O Allah making Hajj and `Umraah). So if he hasn't brought the sacrificial animal - and that is better - then he says talbiyyah for `Umrah only and that he must do, saying labbaikallaahumma bi-`umrah.


So if he has already made talbiyyah for Hajj only, he cancels that and makes it into an `Umrah - as the Prophet ordered that and also said: "I have entered the Hajj until the Day of Judgment" and he joined his fingers together (as in the Hadith that has preceded).

He also said: "O family of Muhammad - whoever from you makes Hajj, then let him say talbiyyah of an 'Umrah in Hajj(12)" and this is At-Tamattu' of `Umrah with Hajj.

Making condition

10. And if he wishes when making talbiyyah he may state a condition to Allah fearing that which may prevent him (from completion of the Hajj) whether illness or fear - saying as the Prophet taught: allaahumma mahillee haithu habastanee

(O Allah my place is wherever you prevent me).(13) So if he does that and is then prevented or becomes ill - then he may leave iHraam of the Hajj or `Umrah - and there is no recompensatory sacrifice due upon him and he does not have to do the Hajj again, except and unless it was his first Hajj - then he has to repeat it.

11. There is no special prayer for iHraam, however if it is time for prayer before iHraam, then he should pray and then put on iHraam following the example of the Rasoolullah who put on iHraam after prying zuhr.

Prayer in waadee ul'aqeeq

12. However he whose meeqaat is Dhul Hulaifah - then it is mustahabb for him to pray there, not for iHraam, but because of the place and its being blessed. As al-Bukhaari has narrated from Umar - may Allah be pleased with him - who said : "I heard the Rasoolullah say in waadi ul 'Aqeeq:" "Someone came to me this night from my Lord and said: Pray in this blessed valley, and say `Umrah with Hajj(14)" And Ibn 'Umar narrates from the Prophet: "...that he saw, when alighting for sleep at the end of the night in Dhul Hulaifah in the center of the valley, one saying to him: you are in the blessed stony ground."(15)

Talbiyyah and raising the voice

13. then he said he should stand(16) facing the Qiblah, and say talbiyyah for `Umrah or Hajj as has preceded, and say: allaahumma haadhihi hajjah, laariyaa'a feehaa wa laa sum'ah


(O Allah this is a Hajj, there being no ostentation in it or hypocrisy).(17)

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