Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, when Bannaawism began to slowly take over his
person, spoke with the multiplicity of groups and parties, i.e. justified the
existence of all the various Islamic groups present today, despite their
differences in aqidah and manhaj and their falling into the acts of kufr and
shirk (in the case of some). This being in direct conflict with the Book and the
Sunnah, the Ulamaa began to refute him and advise him. And this continued for a
number of years. When Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq did not listen, one of the
students of knowledge from Kuwait took some of the errors of Abdur-Rahmaan
Abdul-Khaaliq to Imaam Ibn Baaz (amongst them, his saying about the multiplicity
of groups). Imaam Ibn Baaz refuted these claims and advised the latter to
correct himself.
Following this, Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq made an open display of his
supposed repentance and that he had taken it all back. His open supposed
repentance took place on 20th September 1994, in an article called
"Tanbeehaat wa Ta’aqqubaat" in which he glorified the Permanent Committee and
called them "my fathers" and so and he also made many lies against the Salafi
Mashayikh such as Shaikh Rabee’ (refer to Jamaa’ah Waahidah of Shaikh Rabee’ bin
Haadee) . His repentance was somewhat exaggerated, and while previously he had
called our Ulamaa, "mummified, absent in mind and present in body", "perfect and
complete ignorance", "their da’wah does not mean anything" and other such great
calamities (which we have documented elsewhere, GRV070004), he then showed the
outward love and respect.
Then in a cassette, which is at least 15 months after his open repentance,
there occur a number of questions and answers, in which the great deceit of
Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq is uncovered and his persistence in innovation and
heresy laid bare. Stated Shaikh Rabee’ bin Haadee:
"The questioner asks him (Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq) about the verdict of
Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz which was in al-Muslimoon magazine (23rd
December 1995) and which also contained the refutations of al-Qaradaawi, the
Straying Innovator, against it. He answered the question by giving a diplomatic
answer which indicated that he was not actually pleased with this fatwaa (i.e.
of Ibn Baaz) and this was after his recantation by a long time since his
recantation took place on 14th Rabee’ ul-Awwal 1415H, corresponding
to 20th September 1994. Then the questioner said to him, "O Shaikh,
in relation to the multiplicity of Islamic grous in the Islamic world and their
abundance, such as al-Ikhwaan ul-Muslimoon, Jamaa’at ut-Tabligh, Hizb ut-Tahreer
and others, we hear two views. One saying this is a good thing because the good
points (of this multiplicity) outweigh the bad points. Another orientation which
says that this is differing and splitting and this is not allowed because its
bad points are greater than its good points?" To which Abdur-Rahmaan
Abdul-Khaaliq replied, "Indeed this is a good thing absolutely and there are
no negative points in this at all, in splitting and differing. This is not
correct…" The questioner said after, "There is an orientation which states
that evil of the multiplicity of groups in the Islamic world outweighs the good,
what is your view on this?". To which he replied, "This is destruction
(hadm), destruction, destruction this is. This is an action of
This is how Abdur-Rahmaan acts, and does not care at all about his
recantation in front of the esteemed Shaikh Ibn Baaz and nor in front of the
others from the Ulamaa and understanding ones, those in front of whom he
announced publicly, in front of them, his recantation… and Allaah knows best
whether he considers the people and their Scholars to be "a battalion of
mummified people"… So where is the respect of Abdur-Rahmaan for Ibn Baz and the
Hai’ah Kibaar ul-Ulamaa, which he claims he does, when it is the case that he
does not even give respect for other Scholars and other people…" (an-Nasr
ul-Azeez, pp. 163-164)
And that which puts and end to all the loyalists of Abdur-Rahmaan
Abdul-Khaaliq and those entrenched in his innovatory principles, is the
following statement of Imaam Ibn Baaz.
The Noble Imaam, Ibn Baaz was asked, "May Allaah be benevolent to you, the
hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) concerning the division of
the Ummah, "My Ummah will soon split seventy-three sects…", so is the Jamaa’at
ut-Tabligh, alongside what they have of acts of Shirk and innovation, and
likewise the Ikhwaan ul-Muslimeen, alongside what they have of partisanship,
splitting the ranks, using force against the Wullaat al-Umoor, and not hearing
and obeying (the Rulers), so do these two sects enter (into those sects
mentioned in the hadeeth)?