And the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "I have been ordered to
fight the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped
except Allaah alone…" (Muslim)
Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee, the Ibn Ma'een of the Era, stated, "Verily, refraining from the jihaad against the Mushriks (pagans) when a caller calls to jihaad, and when the Imaam of the Muslims calls them to come out and fight - even if the Imaam was a sinner (faajir) is counted one of the shades of Nifaaq (hypocrisy), in fact it may be more intense than it." Then after this he begins quoting some of the verses of Jihaad and then says: "So refraining away from Jihaad [the Jihaad behind an Ameer] and to be very laxed/sluggish towards it is one of the characteristics of the Hypocrites and one of the causes of punishment in the world and destruction in the Hereafter." (Ahl ul-Hadeeth p. 158)
Then there comes this Extremist Murji’, lying upon Allaah and His Messenger,
making tabdeel of the deen of Allaah, abolishing many of the important aspects
of the Sharee’ah and renders the Christians as Believers…may Allaah sever his
lips…and deliver the Ummah from his misguidance, and refuge is from Allaah.
And this should come as no surprise, since many of the main figureheads of the Bankrupt Brotherhood distort, twist and water down the objectives of Jihaad. Stated Sayyid Qutb, "For Islam does not desire the freedom of worship for its followers only, rather it affirms this right for all the different religions and it tasks the Muslims to fight and defend this right for all people and it [even] allows them to fight under this flag, the flag which guarantees the freedom of worship for the adherents of all other religions and by this it confirms that it (Islaam) is a worldly organisation (providing) freedom - everyone is able to live in its shade, in safety, enjoying their religious freedom - having equality with the Muslims and having the protection of the Muslims." (Towards an Islamic Society, p.105) Also refer to Adwaa alaa Aqeedah Sayyid Qutb - Illuminations upon the Creed of Sayyid Qutb p.224, by Shaikh Rabee'.
And it is this type of thought that al-Qaradawi is poisoned with, as will become clear, when we look in more detail at the Qaradawite theorem of al-walaa and al-baraa and his philosophical ramblings on unity between religions.
As for Ahl ul-Hadeeth wal-Athar then they opine that Jihaad will continue
until the establishment of the Hour, behind the leaders, sinful or pious. They
also hold that defensive Jihaad is recurring and may be performed by small bands
of individuals anytime, anywhere, in defence of those who are oppressed and
wronged. And as for the other Jihaad in which Islaam is taken to the people of
the world, then that is behind an Ameer, as has been stated by the likes of
Imaam al-Albaani and Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen (the latter mentioned this on the
28th July, 2000, after his lecture "The Sunnah is Like Noah’s Ark",
delivered at 5th National Da’wah Conference, Birmingham, UK), and
others. And the most erudite and perceptive of Imaams give greater emphasis to
Tasfiyah wat-Tarbiyah, over giving emphasis to Jihaad (that is the second type
of the two types mentioned above), because this helps to bring about the precursors that
will ensure that the Jihaad bears its fruits. So in essence they are actually
calling to the true Jihaad, and laying its foundations and putting its
requirements in place. And they exaggerate in this emphasis due to their perfect
knowledge and experience with the Ummah and its humiliating defeats over the
decades, in recent times – and they tie all of that to the emergence of Shirk,
Innovation and deviation in manhaj – rather they tie all of that (humiliation and defeat) to what Allaah
and His Messenger tied it to, and what the Imaams of the Salaf tied it to, the
likes of Imaam Maalik and others. And perhaps for this reason, the brethren of
Satan, that is the Jamaa’at ul-Jihaad, as Imaam Ibn Baaz labelled them, due to
the great tribulation they bring to the Muslims and the lands of the Muslims,
perhaps for this reason they made the lie against our Mashaayikh, that they
believe in the discontinuation of Jihaad. Indeed they are a foolish and idiotic
people, who understand not – because they see not, and hear not, adn they have very little fiqh of the religion, as a result of which they wander blindly.
As for the exaggerationists, the revolutionary takfiris, then they but rouse
the sentiments of people, gather them into one huge lump, and then … …
nothing!!! And this is how Imaam al-Albaani described the da’wah of the
activists, like al-Awdah and Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq – which has no fruits
and no blessings and refuge is from Allaah from this wastage of the minds and
intellects of the youth of the Ummah.
In summary, let the biased partisans repent to Allaah for their great
slanders against Ahl us-Sunnah and its Imaams, and let them know that the
Innovators of Islaam are far more dangerous to Islaam and the Muslims, than the
non-Muslims themselves, as has been textually stated by our Imaams, past and
present. And perhaps in al-Qaradawi, there is the most perfect illustration of the hidden enemy within.