Yusuf al-Qaradawi |
Readings in Qaradawism : Part 1 : Loyalty and Disownment |
Source: Extracts from ar-Radd alal-Qaradawi |
Article ID : NDV160001 [47375] |
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It is indeed strange that those who have chosen to assault Ahl us-Sunnah, Ahl
ul-Hadeeth wal-Athar, and declare them Murji’ah and Qadariyyah (with the
Infidels) are the very ones who shelter and accommodate this straying innovator
who makes tabdeel (replacement and changing) of the deen of Allaah and makes the
enemies of Allaah into "believers" (!!!). How keen they are to spread his
intellectual garbage and his "fiqh of priorities" and to defend his analyses of
current affairs, and to give preference to all of that above and over the well
known Mashaayikh and Imaams of Ahl us-Sunnah, the erudite and firmly-established
people of knowledge.
Indeed they only share with him in his "Fiqh ul-Waaqi" and it is this which
determines their loyalty and disownment to individuals, straying innovators and
all – and not for the sake of the Sunni and Athari aqidah and manhaj.
Know O Sunni that when you see a man defending al-Qaradawi or promoting his
doctrine or promoting his writings or presenting his writings to the sons of Ahl
us-Sunnah, then he has acted deceitfully to the Muslims and has aided in the
destruction of Islaam, wal-Iyaadhu billaah.
Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad said: "Whichever man someone comes to asking for advice and
he directs him to an innovator then he has acted deceitfully towards Islam, and
beware of entering upon a person of innovation since they prevent from the
truth." (al-Laalikaa’ee, no.261)
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