This is a command, and a command signifies obligation. Therefore, to seek
help from Allah and to entreat to Him in the matter of livelihood and others is
a major principle. Further, it is important in seeking a livelihood that one
should acquire wealth with generosity of heart so that he may be blessed in it,
and without greediness. Neither should he make wealth the primary aim; rather,
he should regard wealth much as he regards the toilet, which he has need of but
it has no place in his heart, and he only resorts to it when necessary.
A marfoo` Hadeeth which is related by Tirmidhi and others is, "He who
gets up in the morning with this world his greatest concern, Allah disperses his
collected gains and puts its loss in front of him, and only that of the world
comes to him which is written for him. And he who gets up in the morning with
the Hereafter his greatest concern, Allah gathers for him his works and creates
richness in his heart due to them, and the world comes to him
One of the Salaf said, "Each of you is in need of the world but you are
in more need of your portion in the Hereafter. Therefore, if you are in search
of your portion in the Hereafter first and foremost (and you should be so), then
achieve your portion of the world in passing, such that it is taken care of as
it comes.
Allah Exalted says, I have only created jinns and men that they may serve
Me. No sustenance do I require of them, nor do I require that they should feed
Me. For Allah is He who gives (all) sustenance, Lord of Power, steadfast
With regard to the best skill, or specifying one skill over another, be it
handicraft or trade, building or agricultural, etc., this varies among people,
and I know of no all-embracing answer, except that when an opportunity presents
itself to a person, then he should seek help in decision from Allah through the
Istikhaarah learnt from the Teacher of Goodness
, because
there is unlimited blessing in that, and then adopt whatever is easy for him.
Thus he will not have to go to great hardship in another line, unless there is
any Sharee`i objection to the initial possibility, in which case it is a
different matter.
Regarding Knowledge
As for which book(s) one may depend on for the different fields of Knowledge,
this is a wide topic, and again, the answer to this varies according to people's
backgrounds in different lands. This is because in each land, one field of
learning or way or mode of thinking may be easier than another, but the source
of all good and blessings is that one seeks help from Allah the Glorified in
acquiring knowledge inherited from the Prophet SallAllahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,
because that is what is truly fit to be named "Knowledge". Anything
else is either not knowledge at all even though people call it so, or it is
knowledge which is not beneficial, or it is beneficial knowledge, in which case
it is neccessarily true that there exists in the inheritance of Muhammad
SallAllahu 'alayhi wa Sallam that which replaces it, being similar to or better
than it.
The person's effort should thus be to understand the purposes of the
in his
commands, prohibitions and his various other sayings. When the heart is
contented that something is indeed what the Messenger intended, then he should
not waver from it as far as possible, whether it is regarding his duties to
Allah or to the people. In all branches of knowledge, he should strive to hold
firmly to principles narrated from the Prophet
; if he is
in doubt regarding any matter about which the people of knowledge have differed,
then he should supplicate to Allah with the du`aa' which appears in Saheeh
Muslim narrated by 'Aa'ishah, that when the Messenger
stood for the night prayer, he would say, "O Allah! Lord of Jibreel,
Meekaa'eel, and Israafeel, Originator of the Heavens and the Earth, Knower of
the Unseen and the Present ! You judge among your slaves regarding what they
have differed in. Guide me to the truth regarding that in which they have
differed, for truly, You do guide whomsoever You wish to a path that is
straight." This is because Allah Exalted has said, as narrated by His
Messenger from Him,
"O My slaves, all of you are astray except
those that I have given guidance to, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide