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The Jewels of Ibn al-Qayyim
  Miscellaneous Points of Benefit from Ibn al-Qayyim
Author: Ibn al-Qayyim
Source: Various Sources
Article ID : TZK090001  [35178]  
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Firstly: confusing good with evil, so it neither recognises the good, nor rejects the evil. This disease may take hold of it to such an extent that it believes good to be evil; and evil to be good, Sunnah to be bid'ah (innovation); and innovations to be the Sunnah. and the truth to be falsehood: and falsehood the truth.

Secondly: judging by its whims and desires, over and against what Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam came with being enslaved by its whims and desires and being led by them also.

[The second type]: a white heart in which the light of eemaan is bright and its radiance is illuminating. So when trials are presented to such a heart, it rejects and turns away from them. This further increases its light and illumination and its strength."[9]

6) Four Principles of Worship

"(TheAayah): "You alone do we worship." [Soorah al faatihah 1:5] is built upon four principles:- Ascertaining what Allaah and His Messenger love and are pleased with, from (i) the sayings of the heart and [ii] of the tongue; and (iii) the actions of the heart and [iv] of the limbs.

So al-'uboodiyyah (servitude and slavery to Allaah) is a comprehensive term for all these four Stages. The one who actualises them has indeed actualised: "You alone do we worship."

The saying of the heart: It is i'tiqaad (belief) in what Allaah - the Most Perfect - informed about His Self; concerning His Names, His Attributes, His Actions, His Angels, and all that He sent upon the tongue of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

The saying of the tongue: It is to inform and convey (what Allaah has revealed), to call to it, defend it, to explain the false innovations which oppose it, to establish its remembrance and to convey what it orders.

The action of the heart: Such as love for Him, reliance upon Him, repenting to Him, having fear and hope in Him, making the Deen purely and sincerely for Him, having patience in what He orders and prohibits, having patience with what He decrees and being pleased with it, having allegiance and enmity for His sake, humbling oneself in front of Him and having humility in front of Him, becoming tranquil with Him and other than this from the actions of the heart which are actually connected to the action of the limbs ... and actions of the limbs without the action of the heart is of little benefit if any benefit at all.

The action of the limbs: Such as Prayer and Jihaad, attending the Jumu'ah and being with the Jamaa'ah, aiding those who are unable and displaying goodness and kindness to the creation, and other than this." [10]


1. He is Abu 'Abdullaah, Shamsud Dcen Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr better known as Ibn al-Qayyim (or ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah). He was born in the year 691H in the city of Damascus. From an early age he set about acquiring knowledge and studied under many prominent teachers, the most notable of whom was Shaykhul-lslaam Ibn Taymiyyah. His students include the likes of Ibn Katheer, adh-Dhahabee, Ibn Rajab, Ibn 'Abdul-Haadee and others. He authored over ninety books and booklets - all of them being characterised by their touching address to the soul and the heart, as well, as their accuracy, precision and depth of research. Ibn al-Qayyim died on the night of Thursday 13th Rajab at the time of the 'Ishaa adhaan in the year 751H. Testaments about his comprehensive knowledge, firm adherence to the way of the Salaf; excellent manners, worship and zuhd have been given by Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar in ad-Dururul-Kaaminah (3/400), Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab in Dhayl Tabaqaatul-Hanaabilah(2/447), ash-Shawkaanee in al-Badrut-Taali'(2/143-146) and also Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer who said about him in al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (14/246): "He attained great proficiency in many branches of knowledge, particularly knowledge of Tafseer, Hadeeth and Usool. When Shaykh Taqiyyud-Deen Ibn Taymiyyah returned from Egypt in the year 712H, he stayed with the Shaykh until he died, learning a great deal of knowledge from him; along with the knowledge which he had already occupied himself in obtaining. So he became a singular Scholar in many branches of knowledge. He also continued to seek knowledge greatly day and night and was constant in humbly calling upon his Lord. He recited well and had fine manners. He had a great deal of love and did not harbour any envy for anyone, nor harm anyone, nor seek to find fault with anyone, nor bear any malice towards anyone. I was one of those who most often kept company with him and I was one of the most beloved of people to him. I do not know anyone in the world, in this time, who is a greater worshipper than him. His Salaah (Prayer) used to be very lengthy, with prolonged rukoo' (bowing) and sujood (prostration). His companions would often reproach him for this, yet he never retorted back, nor did he abandon this practice - may Allaah shower His Mercy upon him."

2. The following are some points of benefit - extracted from the various works of the Shaykh pertaining to purification of the souls and curing the diseases of the hearts.

3. Miftaah Daarus-Sa 'aadah ( p.283).

4. Al-Waabilus-Sayyib minal-Kalimit-Tayyib ( p. 15).

5. Al-Waabilus-Sayyib (p.80).

6. Zaad ul-Ma'aad fi Hadee Khayril-'Ibaad (pp.9- 11) .

7. Related by Muslim (no.144), from Hudhaifah radiallaahu 'anhu.

8. Ighaathatul-Luhfaan ( p.40).

9. Ighaathatul-Luhfaan (pp. 39-40).

10. Madaanjus-Saalikeen(1/100-101)

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