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Targheeb and Tarheeb
  Do You Really Want Paradise?
Author: Jawad Ahmed
Article ID : TZK050001  [32890]  
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This should be our goal in life, "I want to go to Jannah (Paradise)." It should be written in bold letters on our foreheads so that it serves a constant reminder for us. The Prophet has left with us a very small key to Jannah, which we muslims today have become oblivious of. Just like you need a key to open your car's door, or hous door, or office door; similarly you need a key to open Jannah to you. What is this key?

Prophet said,"Whoever goes down a path/road searching for knowledge, Allah will make it easy for him the road to Paradise." [Saheeh Muslim, Vol.3 Hadith No. 99]

Travelling on the path to knowledge refers both to walking or driving along an actual road/pathway, such as going to Conferences, etc..or going to your local Masajids whenever there is either an international scholar/speaker or a local scholar/speaker speaking. Searching also entails, a metaphysical road, such as stydying and memorising Quran and Hadeeth. Not merely memorising like a parrot, but understanding it first and then memorising it.

The above hadeeth of the Prophet means that Allah makes learning the useful knowledge that is sought after easier for the seeker, clearing the way for him, and smoothing his journey to Paradise. This is why some of our pious predecessors used to say,"Is there anyone seeking knowledge, so that we can assist him in finding it?"

So brothers and sisters, be LOVERS of Knowledge, be seekers of Knowledge. "Yes, where is my Quran, where is my Hadeeth Bukhari." Getting up every morning with a purpose: to seek Jannah by seeking Knowledge! Knowledge is also the shortest path to Allah. Whoever travels the road of knowledge reaches Allah and Paradise by the shortest route. Knowledge also clears the way out of darkness, ignorance, doubt and scepticism. It is why Allah called His Book, Quran, "Light."

Knowledge is the ROAD to Paradise, and Islam is the vehicle that takes you to this destination of Paradise. Just like you get in a car to go from one destination to another, but how? By finding out the directions to get there, either by seeing a map or asking someone. Similarly, our Quran and Hadeeth are our maps, and our scholars are the people who give the directions from this map to get to our ultimate destination, Paradise.

Ask yourself, "Is Paradise easy?" Have you ever seen, how easy it is for our Hafizul-Quran brothers and sisters, who memorize the whole Quran by heart? Have you ever seen how easy it is for some of us to study Quran and hadeeth for hours and hours, whilst others cannot even open the Quran or Hadeeth at least once a year or month? Why?

Narrated Ali ibn Taalib(raa), While the Prophet was in a funeral procession he picked up something and started scraping the ground with it, and said," There is none among you but has his place written for him either in Hell-Fire or Paradise." They said,"O Messenger of Allah! Shall we not depend upon what has been written for us and give up deeds?" He said,"Carry on doing (good) deeds, for everybody will find easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created. So he, who is destined to be among the happy (in the Hereafter) will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of such people, whle he who is destined to be among the miserable ones, will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of such people." Then the Prophet recited the following verses:

[Surah Al-Layl(92), Verses 5-10] "As for him who gives and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him,"
"And believes in Husna (the best)."
"We will make smooth for him the path of Ease (goodness, ie. Paradise)"
"But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient,"
"And gives the lie to Husna."
"We will make smooth for him the path for Evil (ie. Hell-fire)."

[Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Vol.6, Hadith No.474]

Numerous examples of this above hadeeth and verses of Allah are prevalent in our societies today, yet we don't learn any lessons from them. For example, how easy it is for some to fast the fast of Dawud, meaning fasting every other day, or doing voluntary fasts of Shawwal, Muharram, Rajab, etc. Whereas for some it is even hard to fast in Ramadhan, Why? ever notice how easy it is for some to get up in the middle of the night and talk to their Lord in private in Salat-ul-Tahajjud, while for others it is hard to even make the Obligatory (Fardh) prayers? Why?

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