Kabbani’s practice when attempting to refute the
Salafis and others appears to be to distort their views and present them in this
distorted fashion to the unwary reader. This is not the way of sincere Believers
in Allaah but is rather a trait of the Jews and Christians, whose only
ammunition in trying to destroy the credibility of Islaam and the Muslims before
the ignorant masses was to resort to deception.
And if the Naqshabandi Sufis have to speak ill of the
Companions of the Prophet to win their point, so be it! They unashamedly exclaim
that: "... he (Uthman ibn Affaan) sometimes held on firmly to his own
desires instead of putting them completely in line with the
Prophet’s" and they say that he was unable to "totally leave his
own desires behind." They believe about ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab that
"... he did at times set his will against the will of the Prophet,"
and that behaviour of this nature meant that the "soul is kept from
awakening, it remains passive." (see the Naqshbandi work by Nazim, Mercy
Oceans’ Hidden Treasures, pp. 38-39, 43-44). Little wonder then that
Kabbani says: "We ask Allah to guide all Muslims in their belief and to
bring all who have strayed back to the truth... back to the guidance of Abu Bakr
and ‘Ali..." (p.2). What happened to the guidance of ‘Umar and
Uthmaan? Obviously, we see from the examples quoted above that ‘Umar and
Uthmaan, may Allaah be pleased with them both, being unable to set their desires
and will in line with the Prophet’s as the Naqshabandi’s would have
us believe, do not warrant inclusion in Kabbani’s du’a! This is
despite the fact that the Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ordered us
to adhere to the way of all four Rightly-Guided Khaleefas in an authentic
hadeeth which Kabbani mistranslates as: "Follow my Sunna and the Sunna of
my rightly guided companions after me." (p.2) but which should read:
"... and the Sunnah of the Rightly-Guided Khaleefahs after me."
And if it is found that there is a remote possibility
that a Companion has understood something differently to Kabbani he simply looks
for a text which describes such Companions as: "... uneducated beduin
unversed in the minutiae of language and the subtleties of speech which elude
the mind." (refer to Kabbani, p. 130, citing al-Khattabi). Somehow the
‘uneducated’ Companions were unable to understand the import of the
Prophets words, but Kabbani will explain for us what they meant!
The noble Imaam, ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubaarak
(d.181H), said: "If the good qualities of a person outweigh his bad
qualities, then his bad qualities are not mentioned."
[Siyar A’lam an-Nubalaa (8/352) of
If this is the principle applied to the generality of the
Muslims, how much more then is it applicable to the Companions of the Prophet,
particularly since there is a textual prohibition about speaking ill of any of
them. Due to the great importance of this subject and the significance of
speaking about the Companions in unfavourable terms, the scholars and Imaams of
the Sunnah have consistently warned against those who unleash their tongues
against the Companions:
Imaam Ahmad said in Usool-us-Sunnah (no.67):
"Whoever disparages and degrades a single one of the Companions of the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or dislikes them on
account of something that occurred from him, or mentions his shortcomings, then
he is an innovator."
Al-Qurtubee wrote in his commentary to Soorah al-Fath
48:29: "So everyone who belittles any of them or throws doubt upon his
veracity as a narrator has thereby opposed Allaah - the Lord of all creation -
and tried to abolish the basis of the Sharee’ah of the Muslims... so
anyone who attributes falsehood to them or to a single one of them, then he is
outside the Sharee’ah, a denier of the Qur’aan, trying to cast doubt
upon the Messenger of Allaah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and whoever
attributes falsehood to any of them has indeed reviled them... and the Messenger
of Allaah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has cursed those who revile his
Companions, so the one who attributes falsehood to the smallest of them enters
into the curse of Allaah which the Messenger of Allaah sallallahu ‘alayhi
wa sallam bore witness to..."