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Hisham Kabbani
  Exposing Kabbani 13 : Kabbani and the Throne of Allaah
Author: Abu Hudhayfah
Article ID : NDV070013  [22854]  


Kabbani attempts to prove a metaphorical meaning for the Throne by saying:

"This is confirmed by Ibn ‘Abbas’ own explanation of the Throne as cited by al-Khazin in his tafsir of 2:255 as meaning Allah’s knowledge, which Ibn Kathir cites with his chain of transmission through Ibn Abi Hatim."

(Kabbani, p. 186)

Ibn Katheer’s chain of transmission contains the narrator Ja’far ibn Abee al-Mugheerah about whom ibn Hajar said: "Truthful, has some vain fancies." (at-Taqreeb no.960).

Shaykh al-Albaanee says: "The chain of transmission is not authentic." (as-Saheehah 1/p.226)

The one who Ja’far reports from is Sa’eed ibn Jubayr, and ibn Mandah said: "He (Ja’far) is not strong in that which he narrates from Sa’eed ibn Jubayr." (al-Meezaan no.1536 of adh-Dhahabee). This is also mentioned by Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee in his checking to ibn Katheer (1/p.549).


Likewise, Kabbani makes use of another inauthentic report attributed to ibn ‘Abbaas (p. 196):

"Ibn ‘Abbas said when he was asked about Allah’s saying ‘On the day the leg shall be uncovered’ (68:42): ‘If you find something from the Qur’an to be obscure, seek its meaning from poetry; verily poetry is the register (diwan) of the Arabs. Have you not heard the poet’s saying: Your people have opened the way of sword-blows upon the necks, And war or battle rose on every leg (i.e. it was impossible to flee).’ Then he said: ‘This is a day of affliction and violence.’ Thus the meaning of verse 69:42 is: ‘On the day when affliction befalls them in earnest.’"

The weakness of this report as well as other similar narrations has been dealt with in a precise manner by Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee in his book Manhal al-Raqraaq (refer specifically to pp. 17-36 for a clarification of the weakness of the narrations attributed to ibn ‘Abbaas).

Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee, in addition to mentioning the hadeeth of Aboo Sa’eed al-Khudree from al-Bukhaaree in which he attributes the Saaq (Shin) to Allaah: "It will be said to them: 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognise Him?' They will say: 'The Shin.' So Allaah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every Believer will prostrate before Him and there will remain those who used to prostrate before Him just for showing off and for gaining good reputation (in this world)," also brings two reports from Aboo Hurairah (p.64) to the same effect:

i. Recorded by ibn Mandah in ar-Radd ‘ala al-Jaymiyyah (p.40) and al-Eemaan (811, 812), and ibn Jareer at-Tabaree in his Tafseer (29/26) with their chain of transmission. Shaykh al-Hilaalee says: "Its chain of transmission is saheeh, its narrators thiqah."

ii. Recorded by ad-Daarimee in his Sunan (2/326) with his chain of transmission. Shaykh al-Hilaalee says: "Its chain is hasan, its narators are thiqah except for ibn Ishaaq for he is truthful and commits tadlees. However, he has clearly stated having heard the hadeeth, therefore it is hasan."


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