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Ruling By Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed
  Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan Explains his Words in Kitaab ut-Tawheed on Ruling by Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed
Source: Trans. Abu Iyaad
Article ID : MNJ050014  [40469]  
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In the years gone by, the Qutubiyyah, used as evidence for their position the following passage from "Kitaab ut-Tawheed" of Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan to justify their unrestricted and generalised, absolute takfir of the rulers who judge by other than what Allaah has revealed

Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan stated: "And Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem said, ‘As for what has been said regarding it, that it is the lesser disbelief (kufr doona kufr) when he judged to someone other than Allaah (or something other than what Allaah has revealed) while believing that he is disobedient and that the judgement of Allaah is the truth, then this is something that occurs from him once or something like that (i.e. occurs infrequently). As for the one who lays down laws in an organised and arranged manner and requests submission and compliance to them, then this is disbelief, even if he says, ‘We have erred, and the Shari’ah laws are more just’, so this is disbelief that expels from the religion’. So he distinguished between the partial ruling (by other than what Allaah has revealed) which does not recur and between the general rule which becomes a reference point in all of the rulings or most of them. And he affirmed that this disbelief expels from the religion absolutely. This is because the one who removed the Islamic Shari’ah and put secular law in its place, in replacement of it, then this indicates that he considers that this [secular] law is better and more beneficial than the Sharee’ah, and there is no doubt that this is the major disbelief which expels from the religion." [1] End of Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan’s words.

When the youth began to use the above words of Shaikh Fawzan to justify takfir of the rulers, the Shaikh was approached and asked for his clarification, and we present further below the actual text of the discussion.

Excerpt from the Cassette "Questions and Answers on al-Haakimiyyah"

Listen to the discussion in RealAudio

Questioner: "Someone has understood from your words in Kitaab ut-Tawheed, which are from your comments, with regards to the issue of al-Haakimiyyah and ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed. So they have understood from them that [by the act alone] you perform specific takfir of a specific ruler who does not judge by what Allaah has revealed. And then they applied (what they understood from your words) to the rulers of the Gulf states.

Shaikh al-Fawzan: [Laughs]… is it due to hawaa (desire)?… the words are clear, there is no ambiguity in them, the words are clear. The distinction (tafsil) that is mentioned (i.e. previously in the beginning of the chapter) relates to them. And it was then said after that that the one who banishes the Shari’ah entirely and puts another law in its place, that this indicates that he views the [secular] law to be better than the Sharee’ah, and whoever holds this opinion, he is the one who is a kaafir [emphasis given]. This is in the same book itself… however they only take [from the book] according to their own understanding of it and what is of benefit to them, yet they abandon the rest of the words. If they had read the words from the beginning, the matter would have become clear [to them].

Questioner: And the statement of Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem is [understood] in the same way?

Shaikh al-Fawzan: Yes, it is the same.[2] His words mean that the one who abolishes the Shari’ah and puts in its place another law, then this indicates that he considers this law to be better than the Sharee’ah. And [subsequently] whoever considers this law to be better than the Sharee’ah, then such a one is a kaafir in the view of everybody, there is no doubt in this.

Questioner: They mean the rulers of the Gulf states O Shaikh?

Shaikh al-Fawzan: [words unclear] … … the words [in the book] are general. As for people and specific individuals, then this requires investigation.

Questioner: So there is a difference between [takfir of] a specific individual and a general ruling?

Shaikh al-Fawzan: Yes, between a general ruling…

Questioner: So you intended only a general ruling [not a ruling upon specific individuals]?

Shaikh al-Fawzan: Yes, a general ruling, there is no doubt about this. So he said ‘the rulers of the Gulf states (was meant)?’

Questioner: Yes, this is it, however al-hawaa (desire) overtook him?

Shaikh al-Fawzan: Yes, hawaa (desire).. .[words unclear]… Is this rectification? Performing takfir of the rulers of the Gulf states, is this from rectification (of the affairs)?

Questioner: No it is not…

Shaikh al-Fawzan: It is not rectification… it is but kindling of tribulation (fitnah).

Questioner: May Allaah reward you…" End of the discussion.

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