Kashf ush-Shubuhaat : The Removal of the Doubts (The Eleventh Study) Refuting the greatest of all of the doubts of the Mushriks, which is their claim that they profess Islaam and outwardly practise it, so how can they be treated the same as the Kuffaar? This is the most beneficial and important of what is in this treatise. [15-Apr-02 : 12:00 AM]
Kashf ush-Shubuhaat : The Removal of the Doubts (The Third Study) Continuiing in the series, the third part takes discusses the obligation of warning from disbelief, shirk and its people and illustrates that enemies have been set up for the Muwahhideen. [23-Jan-01 : 12:00 AM]
Kashf ush-Shubuhaat : The Removal of the Doubts (The Second Study) Looking at the true reality and meaning of the Tawheed that all of the Messengers called their respective peoples to and illustrating the great ignorance that has occurred in this regard. [21-Jan-01 : 12:00 AM]