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Hajj and Umrah
  The Book of Hajj : Part 2
Author: Imaam al-Bukhaaree
Source: Saheeh ul-Bukhaaree
Article ID : IBD110003  

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 654:

Narrated 'Aisha: I asked the Prophet whether the round wall (near Ka'ba) was part of the Ka'ba. The Prophet replied in the affirmative. I further said, "What is wrong with them, why have they not included it in the building of the Ka'ba?" He said, "Don't you see that your people (Quraish) ran short of money (so they could not include it inside the building of Ka'ba)?" I asked, "What about its gate? Why is it so high?" He replied, "Your people did this so as to admit into it whomever they liked and prevent whomever they liked. Were your people not close to the Pre-lslamic Period of ignorance (i.e. they have recently embraced Islam) and were I not afraid that they would dislike it, surely I would have included the (area of the) wall inside the building of the Ka'ba and I would have lowered its gate to the level of the ground."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 655:

Narrated 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle said to me, "Were your people not close to the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, I would have demolished the Ka'ba and would have rebuilt it on its original foundations laid by Abraham (for Quraish had curtailed its building), and I would have built a back door (too)."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 656:

Narrated Yazid bin Ruman from 'Urwa: 'Aisha said that the Prophet said to her, "O Aisha! Were your nation not close to the Pre-lslamic Period of Ignorance, I would have had the Ka'ba demolished and would have included in it the portion which had been left, and would have made it at a level with the ground and would have made two doors for it, one towards the east and the other towards the west, and then by doing this it would have been built on the foundations laid by Abraham." That was what urged Ibn-Az-Zubair to demolish the Ka'ba. Jazz said, "I saw Ibn-Az-Zubair when he demolished and rebuilt the Ka'ba and included in it a portion of Al-Hijr (the unroofed portion of Ka'ba which is at present in the form of a compound towards the north-west of the Ka'ba). I saw the original foundations of Abraham which were of stones resembling the humps of camels." So Jarir asked Yazid, "Where was the place of those stones?" Jazz said, "I will just now show it to you." So Jarir accompanied Yazid and entered Al-Hijr, and Jazz pointed to a place and said, "Here it is." Jarir said, "It appeared to me about six cubits from Al-Hijr or so."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 657:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: On the Day of the Conquest of Mecca, Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has made this town a sanctuary. Its thorny bushes should not be cut, its game should not be chased, and its fallen things should not be picked up except by one who would announce it publicly."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 658:

Narrated 'Usama bin Zaid: I asked, "O Allah's Apostle! Where will you stay in Mecca? Will you stay in your house in Mecca?" He replied, "Has 'Aqil left any property or house?" Aqil along with Talib had inherited the property of Abu Talib. Jafar and Ali did not inherit anything as they were Muslims and the other two were non-believers. 'Umar bin Al-Khattab used to say, "A believer cannot inherit (anything from an) infidel." Ibn Shihab, (a sub-narrator) said, "They (Umar and others) derived the above verdict from Allah's Statement: "Verily! those who believed and Emigrated and strove with their life And property in Allah's Cause, And those who helped (the emigrants) And gave them their places to live in, These are (all) allies to one another." (8.72)

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 659:

Narrated Abu Huraira: When Allah's Apostle intended to enter Mecca he said, "Our destination tomorrow, if Allah wished, will be Khaif Bani Kinana where (the pagans) had taken the oath of Kufr." (Against the Prophet i.e. to be loyal to heathenism by boycotting Bani Ha shim, the Prophets folk) (See Hadith No. 221 Vol. 5)

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 660:

Narrated Abu Huraira: On the Day of Nahr at Mina, the Prophet said, "Tomorrow we shall stay at Khaif Bani Kinana where the pagans had taken the oath of Kufr (heathenism)." He meant (by that place) Al-Muhassab where the Quraish tribe and Bani Kinana concluded a contract against Bani Hashim and Bani 'Abdul-Muttalib or Bani Al-Muttalib that they would not intermarry with them or deal with them in business until they handed over the Prophet to them.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 661:

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet;; said, "Dhus-Suwaiqa-tain (literally: One with two lean legs) from Ethiopia will demolish the Ka'ba."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 662:

Narrated 'Aisha: The people used to fast on 'Ashura (the tenth day of the month of Muharram) before the fasting of Ramadan was made obligatory. And on that day the Ka'ba used to be covered with a cover. When Allah made the fasting of the month of Ramadan compulsory, Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of 'Ashura') may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 663:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said "The people will continue performing the Hajj and 'Umra to the Ka'ba even after the appearance of Gog and Magog."

Narrated Shu'ba extra: The Hour (Day of Judgment) will not be established till the Hajj (to the Ka'ba) is abandoned.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 664:

Narrated Abu Wail: (One day) I sat along with Shaiba on the chair inside the Ka'ba. He (Shaiba) said, "No doubt, Umar sat at this place and said, 'I intended not to leave any yellow (i.e. gold) or white (i.e. silver) (inside the Ka'ba) undistributed.' I said (to 'Umar), 'But your two companions (i.e. The Prophet and Abu Bakr) did not do so.' 'Umar said, They are the two persons whom I always follow.' "

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 665:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet said, "As if I were looking at him, a black person with thin legs plucking the stones of the Ka'ba one after another. "

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 666:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "DhusSuwaiqatain (the thin legged man) from Ethiopia will demolish the Ka'ba."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 667:

Narrated 'Abis bin Rabia: 'Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 668:

Narrated Salim that his father said, "Allah's Apostle, Usama bin Zaid, Bilal, and 'Uthman bin abu Talha entered the Ka'ba and then closed its door. When they opened the door I was the first person to enter (the Ka'ba). I met Bilal and asked him, "Did Allah's Apostle offer a prayer inside (the Ka'ba)?" Bilal replied in the affirmative and said, "(The Prophet offered the prayer) in between the two right pillars."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 669:

Narrated Nafi': Whenever Ibn 'Umar entered the Ka'ba he used to walk straight keeping the door at his back on entering, and used to proceed on till about three cubits from the wall in front of him, and then he would offer the prayer there aiming at the place where Allah's Apostle prayed, as Bilal had told him. There is no harm for any person to offer the prayer at any place inside the Ka'ba.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 670:

Narrated Isma'li bin Abu Khalid: 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa said, "Allah's Apostle performed the 'Umra. He performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba and offered two Rakat behind the Maqam (Abraham's place) and was accompanied by those who were screening him from the people." Somebody asked 'Abdullah, "Did Allah's Apostle enter the Ka'ba?" 'Abdullah replied in the negative.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 671:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: When Allah's Apostle came to Mecca, he refused to enter the Ka'ba with idols in it. He ordered (idols to be taken out). So they were taken out. The people took out the pictures of Abraham and Ishmael holding Azlams in their hands. Allah's Apostle said, "May Allah curse these people. By Allah, both Abraham and Ishmael never did the game of chance with Azlams." Then he entered the Ka'ba and said Takbir at its corners but did not offer the prayer in it.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 672:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: When Allah's Apostle and his companions came to Mecca, the pagans circulated the news that a group of people were coming to them and they had been weakened by the Fever of Yathrib (Medina). So the Prophet ordered his companions to do Ramal in the first three rounds of Tawaf of the Ka'ba and to walk between the two corners (The Black Stone and Yemenite corner). The Prophet did not order them to do Ramal in all the rounds of Tawaf out of pity for them.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 673:

Narrated Salim that his father said: I saw Allah's Apostle arriving at Mecca; he kissed the Black Stone Corner first while doing Tawaf and did ramal in the first three rounds of the seven rounds (of Tawaf).

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 674:

Narrated Abdullah bin Umar : The Prophet did Ramal in (first) three rounds (of Tawaf), and walked in the remaining four, in Hajj and Umra.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 675:

Narrated Zaid bin Aslam from his father who said: "Umar bin Al-Khattab addressed the Corner (Black Stone) saying, 'By Allah! I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet touching (and kissing) you, I would never have touched (and kissed) you.' Then he kissed it and said, 'There is no reason for us to do Ramal (in Tawaf) except that we wanted to show off before the pagans, and now Allah has destroyed them.' 'Umar added, '(Nevertheless), the Prophet did that and we do not want to leave it (i.e. Ramal).'

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 676:

Narrated Nafi': Ibn 'Umar. said, "I have never missed the touching of these two stones of Ka'ba (the Black Stone and the Yemenite Corner) both in the presence and the absence of crowds, since I saw the Prophet touching them." I asked Nafi': "Did Ibn 'Umar use to walk between the two Corners?" Nafi' replied, "He used to walk in order that it might be easy for him to touch it (the Corner Stone)."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 677:

Narrated Ibn Abbas.: In his Last Hajj the Prophet performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba riding a camel and pointed a bent-headed stick towards the Corner (Black Stone).

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 678:

Narrated Salim bin 'Abdullah that his father said: "I have not seen the Prophet touching except the two Yemenite Corners (i.e. the ones facing Yemen)."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 679:

Narrated Zaid bin Aslam that his father said: "I saw 'Umar bin Al-Khattab kissing the Black Stone and he then said, (to it) 'Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you, (stone) I would not have kissed you.' "

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 680:

Narrated Az-Zubair bin 'Arabi: A man asked Ibn 'Umar about the touching of the Black Stone. Ibn 'Umar said, "I saw Allah's Apostle touching and kissing it." The questioner said, "But if there were a throng (much rush) round the Ka'ba and the people overpowered me, (what would I do?)" He replied angrily, "Stay in Yemen (as that man was from Yemen). I saw Allah's Apostle touching and kissing it."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 681:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba while riding a camel, and whenever he came in front of the Corner, he pointed towards it (with something).

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 682:

Narrated Ibn Abbas The Prophet performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba riding a camel, and every time he came in front of the Corner (having the Black Stone), he pointed towards it with something he had with him and said Takbir.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 683:

Narrated 'Urwa: 'Aisha said, "The first thing the Prophet did on reaching Mecca, was the ablution and then he performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba and that was not 'Umra (alone), (but Hajj-al-Qiran). 'Urwa added: Later Abu Bakr and 'Umar did the same in their Hajj." And I performed the Hajj with my father Az-Zubair, and the first thing he did was Tawaf of the Ka'ba. Later I saw the Muhajirin (Emigrants) and the Ansar doing the same. My mother (Asma') told me that she, her sister ('Aisha), Az-Zubair and such and such persons assumed Ihram for 'Umra, and after they passed their hands over the Black Stone Corner (of the Ka'ba) they finished the Ihram. (i.e. After doing Tawaf of the Ka'ba and Sa'i between Safa-Marwa.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 684:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar : When Allah's Apostle performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba for Hajj or 'Umra, he used to do Ramal during the first three rounds, and in the last four rounds he used to walk; then after the Tawaf he used to offer two Rakat and then performed Tawaf between Safa and Marwa.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 685:

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: When the Prophet performed the Tawaf of the Ka'ba, he did Ramal during the first three rounds and in the last four rounds he used to walk and while doing Tawaf between Safa and Marwa, he used to run in the midst of the rain water passage.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 686:

Narrated Um Salama: (the wife of the Prophet) I informed Allah's Apostle that I was ill. So he said, "Perform the Tawaf while riding behind the people." I did so, and at that time the Prophet was praying beside the Ka'ba and reciting Surat-at-Tur.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 687:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: While the Prophet was performing Tawaf of the Kaba, he passed by a person who had tied his hands to another person with a rope or string or something like that. The Prophet cut it with his own hands and said, "Lead him by the hand."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 688:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet saw a man performing Tawaf of the Kaba tied with a string or something else. So the Prophet cut that string.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 689:

Narrated Abu Huraira: In the year prior to the last Hajj of the Prophet when Allahs Apostle made Abu Bakr the leader of the pilgrims, the latter (Abu Bakr) sent me in the company of a group of people to make a public announcement: 'No pagan is allowed to perform Hajj after this year, and no naked person is allowed to perform Tawaf of the Kaba.' (See Hadith No. 365 Vol. 1)

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 690:

Narrated Amr: We asked Ibn Umar: "May a man have sexual relations with his wife during the Umra before performing Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?" He said, "Allah's Apostle arrived (in Mecca) and circumambulated the Kaba seven times, then offered two Rakat behind Maqam Ibrahim (the station of Abraham), then performed Tawaf between Safa and Marwa." Ibn Umar added, "Verily! In Allah's Apostle you have a good example." And I asked Jabir bin Abdullah (the same question), and he replied, "You should not go near your wives (have sexual relations) till you have finished Tawaf between Safa and Marwa. "

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 691:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet arrived at Mecca and performed Tawaf of the Kaba and Sa'i between Safa and Marwa, but he did not go near the Kaba after his Tawaf till he returned from Arafat.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 692:

Narrated Um Salama: (the wife of the Prophet) I informed Allah's Apostle (about my illness). (Through other sub-narrators, Um Salama narrated that when Allah's Apostle was at Mecca and had just decided to leave (Mecca) while she had not yet done Tawaf of the Kaba (and after listening to her). The Prophet said, "When the morning prayer is established, perform the Tawaf on your camel while the people are in prayer." So she did the same and did not offer the two Rakat of Tawaf until she came out of the Mosque.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 693:

Narrated Ibn Umar: The Prophet reached Mecca, circumambulated the Kaba seven times and then offered a two Rakat prayer behind Maqam ibrahim. Then he went towards the Safa. Allah has said, "Verily, in Allah's Apostle you have a good example."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 694:

Narrated Urwa from Aisha: Some people performed Tawaf (of the Kaba) after the morning prayer and then sat to listen to a preacher till sunrise, and then they stood up for the prayer. Then Aisha commented, "Those people kept on sitting till it was the time in which the prayer is disliked and after that they stood up for the prayer."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 695:

Narrated Abdullah: heard the Prophet forbidding the offering of prayers at the time of sunrise and sunset.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 696:

Narrated Abida bin Humaid: Abdul, Aziz bin Rufai Said, "I saw Abdullah bin Az-Zubair performing Tawaf of the Kaba after the morning prayer then offering the two Rakat prayer." Abdul Aziz added, "I saw Abdullah bin Az-Zubair offering a two Rakat prayer after the Asr prayer." He informed me that Aisha told him that the Prophet used to offer those two Rakat whenever he entered her house."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 697:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah's Apostle performed Tawaf (of the Kaba) ending a camel (at that time the Prophet had foot injury). Whenever he came to the Corner (having the Black Stone) he would point out towards it with a thing in his hand and say, "Allahu-Akbar."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 698:

Narrated Um Salama: I informed Allah's Apostle that I was sick. He said, "Perform Tawaf (of the Kaba) while riding behind the people." So, I performed the Tawaf while Allah's Apostle was offering the prayer beside the Kaba and was reciting Surat-at-Tur.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 699:

Narrated Ibn Umar: Al Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib asked the permission of Allahs Apostle to let him stay in Mecca during the nights of Mina in order to provide the pilgrims with water to drink, so the Prophet permitted him.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 700:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah's Apostle came to the drinking place and asked for water. Al-Abbas said, "O Fadl! Go to your mother and bring water from her for Allah's Apostle ." Allah's Apostle said, "Give me water to drink." Al-Abbas said, "O Allahs Apostle! The people put their hands in it." Allah's Apostle again said, 'Give me water to drink. So, he drank from that water and then went to the Zam-zam (well) and there the people were offering water to the others and working at it (drawing water from the well). The Prophet then said to them, "Carry on! You are doing a good deed." Then he said, "Were I not afraid that other people would compete with you (in drawing water from Zam-zam), I would certainly take the rope and put it over this (i.e. his shoulder) (to draw water)." On saying that the Prophet pointed to his shoulder.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 701:

Narrated Ibn Abbas: I gave Zam-zam water to Allah's Apostle and he drank it while standing. 'Asia (a sub-narrator) said that 'Ikrima took the oath that on that day the Prophet had not been standing but riding a camel.

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 702:

Narrated 'Aisha: We set out with Allah's Apostle in the year of his Last Hajj and we mended (the Ihram) for 'Umra. Then the Prophet said, "Whoever has a Hadi with him should assume Ihram for both Hajj and 'Umra, and should not finish it till he performs both of the them (Hajj and 'Umra)." When we reached Mecca, I had my menses. When we had performed our Hajj, the Prophet sent me with 'Abdur-Rahman to Tan'im and I performed the 'Umra. The Prophet said, "This is in lieu of your missed 'Umra." Those who had assumed Ihram for 'Umra performed Tawaf (between Safa and Marwa) and then finished their Ihram. And then they performed another Tawaf (between Safa and Marwa) after returning from Mina. And those who had assumed lhram for Hajj and 'Umra to get her ( Hajj-Qiran ) performed only one Tawaf (between Safa and Marwa).

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 703:

Narrated Nafi': 'Abdullah bin 'Abdullah bin 'Umar and his riding animal entered the house of Ibn 'Umar. He (the son of Ibn 'Umar) said, "I fear that this year a battle might take place between the people and you might be prevented from going to the Ka'ba. I suggest that you should stay here." Ibn Umar said, "Once Allah's Apostle set out for the pilgrimage, and the pagans of Quraish intervened between him and the Ka'ba. So, if the people intervened between me and the Ka'ba, I would do the same as Allah's Apostle had done . . . "Verily, in Allah's Apostle you have a good example." Then he added, "I make you a witness that I have intended to perform Hajj along with 'Umra." After arriving at Mecca, Ibn 'Umar performed one Tawaf only (between Safa and Marwa).

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 704:

Narrated Nafi': Ibn 'Umar intended to perform Hajj in the year when Al-Hajjaj attacked Ibn Az-Zubair. Somebody said to Ibn 'Umar, "There is a danger of an impending war between them." Ibn 'Umar said, "Verily, in Allah's Apostle you have a good example. (And if it happened as you say) then I would do the same as Allah's Apostle had done. I make you witness that I have decided to perform 'Umra." Then he set out and when he reached Al-Baida', he said, "The ceremonies of both Hajj and 'Umra are similar. I make you witness that I have made Hajj compulsory for me along with 'Umra." He drove (to Mecca) a Hadi which he had bought from (a place called) Qudaid and did not do more than that. He did not slaughter the Hadi or finish his Ihram, or shave or cut short his hair till the day of slaughtering the sacrifices (10th Dhul-Hijja). Then he slaughtered his Hadi and shaved his head and considered the first Tawaf (of Safa and Marwa) as sufficient for Hajj and 'Umra. Ibn 'Umar said, "Allah's Apostle did the same."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 705:

Narrated Muhammad bin 'AbdurRahman bin Nawfal Al-Qurashi: I asked 'Urwa bin Az-Zubair (regarding the Hajj of the Prophet ). 'Urwa replied, "Aisha narrated, 'When the Prophet reached Mecca, the first thing he started with was the ablution, then he performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba and his intention was not 'Umra alone (but Hajj and 'Umra together).' " Later Abu Bakr I performed the Hajj and the first thing he started with was Tawaf of the Ka'ba and it was not 'Umra alone (but Hajj and 'Umra together). And then 'Umar did the same. Then 'Uthman performed the Hajj and the first thing he started with was Tawaf of the Ka'ba and it was not 'Umra alone. And then Muawiya and 'Abdullah bin 'Umar did the same. I performed Hajj with Ibn Az-Zubair and the first thing he started with was Tawaf of the Ka'ba and it was not 'Umra alone, (but Hajj and 'Umra together). Then I saw the Muhajirin (Emigrants) and Ansar doing the same and it was not 'Umra alone. And the last person I saw doing the same was Ibn 'Umar, and he did not do another 'Umra after finishing the first. Now here is Ibn 'Umar present amongst the people! They neither ask him nor anyone of the previous ones. And all these people, on entering Mecca, would not start with anything unless they had performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba, and would not finish their Ihram. And no doubt, I saw my mother and my aunt, on entering Mecca doing nothing before performing Tawaf of the Ka'ba, and they would not finish their lhram. And my mother informed me that she, her sister, Az-Zubair and such and such persons had assumed lhram for 'Umra and after passing their hands over the Corner (the Black Stone) (i.e. finishing their Umra) they finished their Ihram."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 706:

Narrated 'Urwa: I asked 'Aisha : "How do you interpret the statement of Allah,. : Verily! (the mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah, and whoever performs the Hajj to the Ka'ba or performs 'Umra, it is not harmful for him to perform Tawaf between them (Safa and Marwa.) (2.158). By Allah! (it is evident from this revelation) there is no harm if one does not perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa." 'Aisha said, "O, my nephew! Your interpretation is not true. Had this interpretation of yours been correct, the statement of Allah should have been, 'It is not harmful for him if he does not perform Tawaf between them.' But in fact, this divine inspiration was revealed concerning the Ansar who used to assume lhram for worship ping an idol called "Manat" which they used to worship at a place called Al-Mushallal before they embraced Islam, and whoever assumed Ihram (for the idol), would consider it not right to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa.

When they embraced Islam, they asked Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) regarding it, saying, "O Allah's Apostle! We used to refrain from Tawaf between Safa and Marwa." So Allah revealed: 'Verily; (the mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah.' " Aisha added, "Surely, Allah's Apostle set the tradition of Tawaf between Safa and Marwa, so nobody is allowed to omit the Tawaf between them." Later on I ('Urwa) told Abu Bakr bin 'Abdur-Rahman (of 'Aisha's narration) and he said, 'i have not heard of such information, but I heard learned men saying that all the people, except those whom 'Aisha mentioned and who used to assume lhram for the sake of Manat, used to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa.

When Allah referred to the Tawaf of the Ka'ba and did not mention Safa and Marwa in the Quran, the people asked, 'O Allah's Apostle! We used to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa and Allah has revealed (the verses concerning) Tawaf of the Ka'ba and has not mentioned Safa and Marwa. Is there any harm if we perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?' So Allah revealed: "Verily As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah." Abu Bakr said, "It seems that this verse was revealed concerning the two groups, those who used to refrain from Tawaf between Safa and Marwa in the Pre-lslamic Period of ignorance and those who used to perform the Tawaf then, and after embracing Islam they refrained from the Tawaf between them as Allah had enjoined Tawaf of the Ka'ba and did not mention Tawaf (of Safa and Marwa) till later after mentioning the Tawaf of the Ka'ba.'

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 707:

Narrated Nafi': Ibn 'Umar said, "When Allah's Apostle performed the first Tawaf he did Ramal in the first three rounds and then walked in the remaining four rounds (of Tawaf of the Ka'ba), where as in performing Tawaf between Safa and Marwa he used to run in the midst of the rain-water passage," I asked Nafi', "Did 'Abdullah (bin 'Umar) use to walk steadily on reaching the Yemenite Corner?" He replied, "No, unless people were crowded at the Corner; otherwise he would not leave it without touching it."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 708:

Narrated 'Amr bin Dinar: We asked Ibn 'Umar whether a man who, while performing 'Umra, had performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba; and had not yet performed Tawaf between Safa and Marwa, could have sexual relation with his wife, Ibn 'Umar replied "The Prophet (p.b.u.h) reached Mecca and performed the seven rounds (of Tawaf) of the Ka'ba and then offered a two-Rakat prayer behind Maqam ibrahim and then performed the seven rounds (of Tawaf) between Safa and Marwa." He added, "Verily! In Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) you have a good example." We asked Jabir bin 'Abdullah (the same question) and he said, "He (that man) should not come near (his wife) till he has completed Tawaf between Safa and Marwa."

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 709:

Narrated 'Amr bin Dinar: I heard Ibn 'Umar saying, "The Prophet arrived at Mecca and performed Tawaf of the Ka'ba and then offered a two-Rakat prayer and then performed Tawaf between Safa and Marwa." Ibn 'Umar then recited (the verse): "Verily! In Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) you have a good example. "

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 710:

Narrated 'Asim: I asked Anas bin Malik: "Did you use to dislike to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?" He said, "Yes, as it was of the ceremonies of the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, till Allah revealed: 'Verily! (The two mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who performs the pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, or performs 'Umra, to perform Tawaf between them.' " (2.158)

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