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Hajj and Umrah
  Rites of Hajj and Umrah From the book and Sunnah and Narrations from the Pious Predecessors
Author: Shaikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Article ID : IBD110001  [72777]  
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124. And the Sunnah is to do the previous actions of Hajj in order: the stoning, then slaughter, then shaving the head, then Tawaaf of Ifaadah, the Sa'ee for the one doing Hajj at-Tamattu'; however if he brings something forward in the order or delays something in the order (doing things out of order) then that is permissible as the Prophet said: "There is no harm, there is no harm."

125. And regarding stoning, the following is allowed to those who have a valid excuse:
(a) The permission not to have to spend the night in Minaa according to the hadith of Ibn 'Umar: "Al 'Abbaas sought permission of Rasoolullah to spend the night of Minaa in Makkah as he was responsible for supplying Zamzam water there, so he gave him the permission."(104)
(b) To combine two days' stoning in one day, according to the hadith of 'Aasim ibn 'Adiyy who said: "Rasoolullah made concession for the camel drivers in Bairootah that they could stone on the Day of Sacrifice, the combine two days' stoning after that - performing it in one of the two days."(105)
(c) To perform the stoning at night as the Prophet said: The shephered may stone at night, then look after his flock in the daytime.(106)

126. And it is lawful for him to visit the Ka'bah and make Tawaaf during each of the nights of Minaa as the Prophet did so.(107)

127. And the pilgrim during the Days of Minaa must take care to pray the five daily prayers with the congregation - and it is best to pray the Masjid of Khaif if he is able to, as the Prophet said: Seventy Prophets have prayed in the Masjid of Khaif.(108)

128. So after completing the stoning on the second day or third day of the days of Tashreeq - then he has completed the rites of Hajj and therefore returns to Makkah - and remans there for as long as Allaah has written for him to remain - and he should take care to perform the prayer with the congregation - especially in the Masjid-ul-Haraam, and a single prayer in the Masjid-ul-Haraam is better than a hundred thousand prayers in other mosques.(109)

129. And he should perform much of prayer and Tawaaf at any time he pleases of the day or night as the Prophet said about the two corners - the Black Stone and Yemeni corner: "Touching them takes away sins, and he who performs Tawaaf does not raise or lower his foot (while walking) except that Allaah writes it for him as a good deed, and wipes off bad deed for him, and writes for him an extra rank and whoever does it even times round [check Sharh of at-Tirmidhee] it is as if he had freed a slave."(110)And the Prophet said: ""O tribe of 'Abd Manaaf! Do not prevent anyone from making Tawaaf of this house or from prayer at any hour of the day or night he pleases.""(111)

The Farewell Tawaaf (Tawaaf Ul Wadaa)

130. So when he has finished all that he has to do and has decided to travel then he has to make a farewell Tawaaf of the house, as Ibn 'Abbas narrated: 'The people used to head off in every direction ans so the Prophet said: "None of you should depart until he makes as his last act Tawaaf of the House."(112)

131. And the menstruating woman was at first ordered to wait until she became clean of it in order to make Tawaaf ul Wadaa'(113)then it was permitted for her to leave without waiting according to the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas: "That the Prophet gave concession for the menstruating women that she should depart before (Farewell) Tawaaf as long as she had made Tawaaf of Ifaadah."(114)

132. And he may carry away with him whatever he can of Zamzam water because of the blessing therein, as: "Rasoolullah used to carry it with him in water skins and containers - and he used to pour (it) upon the sick and give it to them to drink."(115)Further: "Before Makkah was conquered he used to send the message to Suhail ibn 'Amr: that he should bring Zamzam water for us and not leave it - so he would send to him two large bag fulls."(116)

133. So when he finishes the Tawaaf he leaves the mosque like the rest of the people - not walking backwards - and he leaves putting out his left foot first(117), saying: Allaahuma salli 'alla muhammadin wa sallim - allaahumma innee 'as'aluka min fadhlika

(O Allaah send blessings and peace upon Muhammad. O Allaah I ask You for Your bounty.)

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