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Understanding and Implementing the Mu'awwadhatayn   (4 Articles)
Tafseer of the Mu`awwadhatayn (Last Two Surahs) by Ibn al-Qayyim: Lesson 4
Outlining al-Musta`aadh minhu (that from which is refuge is being sought) and that the evil that befalls a servant is of two types and how Surah Falaq contains refuge from both these types of evil. [04-Jan-03 : 12:00 AM]
Tafseer of the Mu`awwadhatayn (Last Two Surahs) by Ibn al-Qayyim: Lesson 3
Looking at al-Musta`aadh Bihi (the one in whom refuge is being sought) in these two soorahs, which is none other than Allaah the Most High, including a refutation of the Mu`tazilah. [04-Jan-03 : 12:00 AM]
Tafseer of the Mu'awwadhatayn (Last Two Surahs) by Ibn al-Qayyim: Lesson 2
A look at the words (`aadha) and (isti`aadhah) and what meanings they contain and expressions that are used to approximate their meanings. [24-Sep-02 : 12:00 AM]
Tafseer of the Mu'awwadhatayn (Last Two Surahs) by Ibn al-Qayyim: Lesson 1
Looking the virtues and excellences of the last two Surahs, how to use them for protection and explaining that the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) did not actually seek ruqya for himself. [22-Sep-02 : 12:00 AM]

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