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Clarification of the Methodologies of Jihaad   (4 Articles)
Salafee Guidelines Concerning the Methodologies of Jihaad: Part 4
Repelling the lies of the Harakiyyeen that the Scholars and students of knowledge in their positions during the events and occurrences that arise, ally with the Kuffar, and that the Scholars are ignorant of current affairs. [03-May-03 : 12:00 AM]
Salafee Guidelines Concerning the Methodologies of Jihaad: Part 3
Concerning the issue of Jihaad alongside the Ahl ul-Bid`ah, those whose innovation does not reach the level of major kufr, and points to note in general regarding innovations and those upon them. [20-Apr-03 : 04:28 PM]
Salafee Guidelines Concerning the Methodologies of Jihaad: Part 2
Concerning the person who dies in Jihaad but who is sinful by disobeying the parents or the wali ul-amr in the issue of departing for Jihaad. Also the issue of shaving the beard for the purpose of Jihaad. [20-Apr-03 : 04:15 PM]
Salafee Guidelines Concerning the Methodologies of Jihaad: Part 1
The first in a series clarifying the methodologies of Jihaad in the view of Ahl us-Sunnah. A look at when Jihaad is fard ayn and fard kifaayah, and the ruling on the person who embarks for jihaad without permission from the parents or the wali ul-amr. [20-Apr-03 : 12:00 AM]

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